Will You Boycott C-A-L Ranch?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 52.6%

  • Total voters
It seems to me that you are putting all your eggs in one basket: by focusing on your neighbour's employer and expecting them to bring her into line.

Apart from anything else (and I'll avoid repeating what others have said) this doesn't seem logical because if, for whatever reason, your neighbour ceases to work for them, everything you are doing (directed at C-A-L Ranch Stores) is for nothing.

Since I'm not American, I do not feel I'm in the best position to give advice as to what steps you should take, as your culture and laws are different to what I am familiar with. I hope you receive sound advice on this thread and are able to discern and identify it!

For what it's worth, I do have a lot of sympathy for people in your situation, who live rurally and have city people move into the neighbourhood wanting to change and "sanitise" the very essence of a countryside lifestyle. I live rurally myself.
I sympathize with your situation,unpleasant neighbors are always stressful to deal with. However, I would hate to have someone boycott my business based on something an employee did on their own time.
It may help to know that an employer would be acting improper if he/she /they did interfere. It might even be grounds for a law suit. An employer can merely counsel an employee concerning customer relations and can discipline regarding in store infractions only.
I wish you luck with your situation.
I am not "putting all my eggs in one basket", I am taking other measures such as seeking legal advice (and following that advice), but I can't discuss the measures I have taken because they would give away our legal strategy. This boycott was a benign way of trying to stop the harassment. So this boycott is not "for nothing".

Hardly benign! By boycotting a store and encouraging others to do so you are potentially affecting other employees and a whole bunch of people who have nothing to do with your domestic situation.

You sound rather defensive. It would be an idea to deal with and process your emotions so that you act rationally and not react because of them.

Anyway, to each their own. Good luck!

P.S. I'm assuming you are the OP from what you write. FYI, you seem to be posting now from your regular account and not the new one you started this thread with. Not sure if this is by design or mistake.
I repeat, I was only asking for them to counsel her on the importance of good customer relations, not to discipline her. I specifically said that in the correspondence I sent to CAL Ranch.
Do you have two BYC accounts?

Hmmm, funny that the operations manager and CAL Ranch is also from Utah, makes one wonder if there is not some connection. This has everything to do with CAL Ranch because my neighbor is not just an employee but a manager and I was a frequent customer. Her decorum and diplomacy with customers should reflect the image the company wants to project. If they want to show that they are against backyard farming, her behavior is fine. If they want to keep us as customers it is not.

I won't boycott C-A-L ranch. When I saw the title, I thought that you had experienced a problem with their treatment of chicks...perhaps abusing the ones they had in the store for sale. But this is a beef with ONE person acting as a bad neighbor who happens to work at a C-A-L ranch. Why would anyone boycott an entire chain over the actions of one employee who is being a bad neighbor? And why would anyone write the owner of a store over an employee who is being a bad neighbor? It's not the store's responsibility to make sure their employee is being a good neighbor. They are only concerned with how the employee acts on the job (I didn't see anything in your post that said she was acting inappropriately on the job). This incident has nothing to do with Corporate C-A-L Ranch.

Also, animal control isn't going to cite you on non-existent problems. If they tell you to clean up the poop in your yard, perhaps there is more poop in there than you realize. And, if roosters are allowed in your neighborhood, animal control CANNOT tell you to get rid of them. So I'm not sure how they got away with that. If there are no laws against roosters, then animal control would not tell you to get rid of them. I guess I'm a little confused on some of the details here.
I sympathize with your situation,unpleasant neighbors are always stressful to deal with. However, I would hate to have someone boycott my business based on something an employee did on their own time.
It may help to know that an employer would be acting improper if he/she /they did interfere. It might even be grounds for a law suit. An employer can merely counsel an employee concerning customer relations and can discipline regarding in store infractions only.
I wish you luck with your situation.
Thanks for the good wishes. She made contact with me in her place of employment, not the other way around. If I wanted to feel intimidated while I'm shopping for feed, I would have made contact, but instead I did everything I could to avoid her, as I do at home. My concern that she is also collecting data and nosing around my purchases and that of my neighbors in order to substantiate her claims.
First of all No I won't boycott this store, even though there isn't any in my area. I am looking at this as an outsider with only one side of the story and Here is what I see.

As for the neighbor confronting you/discussing a problem while at work, this might not have been the place to discuss the issue at hand but I see it as just a neighbor coming in contact with a neighbor who wanted to discuss a issue they have with the chickens on your property. I don't see how this represents the company she works for.

As for any threats you have gotten I agree Document them, date, time, what was said and by who.

I have to agree with many here when this sounds like a issue between neighbors and has nothing to do with the company as a whole. No if the company had signs up saying something about banning backyard chickens then it would be a company issue.

From what I have read IMO they have upset you (and I understand I love my flock also) that they didn't like the idea of the chickens being so close to them.

If these neighbors came from a place where there wasn't anything like this. Then they don't understand the importance to us backyard chicken owners it is to have our chickens.

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