Please can someone help me? First hatch and its day 24


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Newalla, Oklahoma
I set eggs to incubate starting march 26th, this is my first time so I put them in as I got them. Learned about storing after they where in. It is now day 24, the first two have been moving alot the past three days, but still no pips. The temp has been great at 101 in a still air, and I kept the spots for water filled and on the lock down I put a sponge soaked with warm water. I have been on here reading for three days now and I'm kinda stumpped! Some say help, others say no, and I'm not willing to lower humidity just to candle eggs that have plenty of movement to show they are alive. Can someone please help me, it's driving me nuts but I know not to open the bator and I have been sitting on my hands but it's way past most peoples time frames. I'm a stay at home mom so I have had plenty of time to care for the eggs and make sure everything is going just right, that is why I'm so confused now.
Just saw your post. If your temp has been steady and your humidity, I don't know unless they are just late. Since your post have nay started to pip???????

will watch for an update!
No pip, still plenty of movement though. It's driving me crazy, I went ahead and candled and its now day 25 and still not even an internal pip. And the veins are still around the air pockets, but the pockets are good size and there is no water in there either. I have been patient but its way past day 21, at least there is still movement in them so they are alive. I don't know what more I could do.
Did your temp ever go down at all? If it did, that could be the reason for the delay. Since you see movement, I would give them a few more days.......

Hang in there and keep me posted
well I did find out my thermometer was off a couple of degrees but I fixed it soon as I noticed. Oh and are the veins around the air sack going to go away at hatch or are they supose to be there?
It sounds like your thermometer is off. A few degrees too low, and your hatch can be significantly delayed.

The veins should fade the closer to hatch they get, as the blood retracts into the chick. As long as the eggs are moving, you have a chance. Just hang on tight, and let them do their thing.

We'll send good BYC vibes your way

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