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"My warriors are wounded, I'm not sure where my medicine chicken is, and the medicine den is a mess. I heard something in the bushes, so I have a feeling they are coming..." she said, looking around for her warriors.
They how many? Where are the injured? We need to----- She paused at the site of the rooster, Darkember?
Darkember looked her, yyyeess.... Moonstar!?!

Why are you here, She asked staring at him, where is Shatteredstar?Where is Darkwar?

Shatteredstar, my father, Darkwarclan..... They set our camp ablaze..

When did this happen?? Where is darkwar?? She asked, the dread in her eyes growing.
guys go to the fighting thread
Name: Sunshower
Gender: female
Rank: broody
Appearance: very soft, mixed dark brown and light brown, frizzled
Personality: kind, compationate, humble, not ambitious
Abilities: smart, exceptionate broody
History: came from wild mother hen
BYC Username: farmgirl101
Thank you Arrowrun and Bearclaw, I am very pleased to meet you said a very shy and nervous Sunshower. What exactly is going on with all this battling, she asked?
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Rainstar stood up from the nest that had been formed for her by a couple of young warriors and apprentices. I need to go... Where do I need to go? She still couldn't remember a lot of things, biut she knew that she needed to be back to camp. She just didn't know that it was at the camp that she needed to be. She walked up to Willowtear, that she had gradually becomefriends with. "I have to go," she clucked. Then she ran to the entrance of the camp, then left...

(See the AirClan thread for more!)
*Poof* TricklingStream apperared, loaded down with herbs. "It took me days to find these..." She started tending to the wounded.
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