Please give me some ideas on how to catch'em

I have a breeder near me that has one of those and it works... his you can actually put half int he water and half on land so they come out of the water and they are in it. He puts feed in it so they go in but then can't get out..

Though I need one of those net sling shots! I have a lose pintail hen I can't catch.. I could almost pet her if I didn't have a net in my hand but she sees the net and forget it.
However you decide to do it don't forget Muscovys have long sharp claws. I hope you can catch them but make sure to wear protective clothing.
HOLY CRAP what was THAT?! That did NOT look fun for those birds! Of course the alternative, getting shot by hunters, is worse but that thing was just

wow wow wow... that is a ridiculus bash against hunters! if WE didnt HUNT you should know that the world would be chaotic!! with all of these animals in this world, the pop. would go up and up spreading disease and harming nature in the first place. Hunting IS GOOD!
I don't think it was a bash against hunters. Most of us know it's necessary for hunters to keep populations in check. For the individual bird the choice between being caught in a net and re homed or shot isn't to tough to figure.
Man I gotta have one of those net guns.
But Im betting they are not legal in the USA. The two ways I use are cast nets and snag hooks, But you have to be a great caster. Put a treble hook and a lead weight below that 6 inches and Ill catch any bird out to 50 ft every time. yeah that wasnt a bash roo.
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Treldib.THANK YOU !!!!I think you just made me a very happy man, Now to look over the juicy details tommorrow. I have made potato guns and cannons using hair spray I hope this is as easy. and I can do the net part no problem.

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