
In the Brooder
Dec 4, 2021
I noticed yesterday that one of my chicks was limping. She puts no weight on one leg, and is limping A LOT. It has gotten a lot worse since this morning. Her foot seems floppy, and sometime she stands on it the wrong way. I will send some pictures soon.
I have no experience treating this sort of thing - please some advice!?!
I can take her to the vet, but I feel that would be to much stress for her.
She is still in the chicken coop - Should I take her out?
Thank you so much for your help!

Update: I have moved her into a separate box (still inside the coop) to keep her from walking around so much. Could she have a vitamin B2 deficiency??
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Please... I really need some help. I have given her some scrambled eggs and spinach (starting to treat it as a B2 deficiency as I felt both her legs and I felt no difference)
I am unsure of what to do from here.
Sorry that you didn’t get replies until now, but it was middle of the night for most of us. The curling under of the toes could be a riboflavin (B2) deficiency, but it also can be a sign of nerve injury to the foot or could be an early sign of Mareks disease. I would give 1/4-1/2 tablet of human Bcomplex daily for a couple of weeks to see it it helps. Make sure that she can get to food and water, and taking enough, or you may need to hand feed her. A chicken sling can be made at home and those can be helpful to lame chickens. Just watch that she doesn’t hurt herself trying to escape it, and take her out often for rest. Here is a link with versions of chicken sling chairs:
Thank you so much! I will try to make a chicken sling tonight.
Should I keep her separated from the flock at the moment to stop her from moving around, or is she ok staying with them. She can still move around, she just hops a lot.
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I would use your own judgement whether she should be out and about with the others. Sometimes the others will pick on a chicken that is limping or acting different. They may leave her alone. Most chickens are best left with the flock, but a dog crate left inside the coop with the others can be a good way to keep them safe. If her poop looks very green it may mean that she is not getting enough to eat. I would probably make sure that she is getting some extra.
Thanks again for your help!
I tried putting her in a chicken sling this afternoon, but she absolutely hated it and kept escaping - should I just leave it for now or should I keep trying?
I was also wondering if I should splint the leg so she doesn't keep walking on it the wrong way? Most of the time she keeps it off the ground, but she does put pressure on it occasionally

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