PLEASE HELP ASAP! Phoebe's beak is hurt, she's not eating! Weak!

My chix go crazy for torn up bread soaked in milk. I'm thinking if you tear it very small and at least at room temp, would be comforting and pretty nutritious. Much luck!
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I've been thinking about her much of the afternoon.

I'm glad to hear she started eating a bit.

Instead of turning her back outside, do you have room for one of her coopmates to come inside and keep her company? Perhaps the most docile one?

I don't think the stress will hurt her as much as she might hurt herself back outside, but you will obviously have to do what you see fit.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi everyone and thanks so much for your replies and support yesterday!

We went out and brought Phoebe in first thing this morning, already I could tell she was feeling better, much perkier..... and then it turns out she can now eat small, soft pieces of bread on her own (not big or hard ones though.) So her beak must feel much better!

I intend to bring her in to hand-feed her various soft foods over the day today to be sure she's getting enough: fruit, yogurt and bread. Maybe I will cook her some oatmeal or an egg as well. But I feel much better seeing that she CAN eat (and presumably drink) by herself. Last night we got about 15 eye-droppers of water laced with electrolyte/vitamins in her, which must have helped.

In any case, she is acting MUCH more herself today: hooray!!

Thanks again-
Stacey (and Olivia)

Glad she's feeling much better... what a relief!

Your idea about oatmeal, yogurt and eggs is a good one. I'd definitely monitor her closely a for few days to make sure she doesn't lose too much strength in the process of healing her beak enough to eat normally again.

You've got to feel awfully sorry for those poor babies they debeak on purpose. :'(
My family raised ostriches when I was a teen we had a number of chicks with broke hurt or pecked becks we used liquid bandaid on them and their behavior always changed for the good. We decided it was like a broke tooth senitive wise at least and took the means to protect it from germs hot cold etc.
New update-
I just brought her in to feed her dinner and the whole tip of her beak is gone now. Underneath it does look like a fingernail bed, as people mentioned. She does not seem too bothered by it, ate the bread we gave her with the same slight tentativeness as earlier today..... I put some neosporin on it but it really doesn't look all THAT bad. She's certainly in a lot less pain/shock than yesterday. My DH and I were surmising that perhaps she was concussed a bit; however she broke her beak perhaps she also hit her head as well? And that is why she was so out of it? Anyway, she's not entirely back to normal.... but getting there! Yeah!
Thanks again for your concern and advice.
I think it just hurt when the end was still attached. Like when you break a nail and it's broken part is half connected to the tip of your finger. It feels better after you cut the rest off or in this case it fell off. It will grow back pretty quick so good to hear she's eating again.

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