Please help chick is breathing with mouth open


Jun 17, 2021
Hi guys I am new to having chicks and one of them is breathing with her mouth open and I also notice during the day she only has one eye open. When I go into the coop she will open both and run away. I got some vetrx and put it on her beak and feathers but it hasn’t done much. The chick also sneezes and it sounds mucus-y. I took a video of her breathing last night and my heart hurts seeing her like this I feel so helpless and wanted to get your guys’ opinion on what I should do!!!
thank you so much in advance
I am sorry to hear about your chicken. A sick chicken should be kept isolated. Vetrx in my opinion doesn't do much. I don't know why but I could not see your video. it's good to have a supply of antibiotics at home. Tractor supply is a good source, call don't visit, as usually it's refrigerated. I usually use Tyan 50 orally via a blunt needle. Tetratex is a pigeon medicine you can buy also it's a powder to be put in water.

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