Please help. Did my embryo die?

I havnt gotten to see him for more than a few seconds this morning. I'm at school now so I'm not sure how he's doing. He hasn't struggled yet. He just kind of sits there. I don't think he's Even tried to get out yet. If he is distressed he's not showing it. I really don't want to help him out because that only ever ends badly in my experience. This is my first goose egg, but I've hatched out other birds before and helping them out only seems to make things worse.
Very welcome...

The egg will be rocking a lot and his bill will go in and out kinda frantic... but if he starts zipping around the shell he is fine... it's just if he sticks and he can't move he'll just keep poking in and out of the hole he already made...
Well I havnt seen him do any of that so you're probably right when you say he's not ready. I think I'm just over reacting
I know with my turkeys if they get stuck they look like a sewing machine all bound up. The beak goes in and out but it does not go around, and they will do bursts of yelling "HEY! Get me outta here!" Then and only then will I interfere, chipping at the edge of the pip and pulling the membrane free if stuck.
Do they often live after you interfere?

Absolutely. But it all comes down to timing. I prefer to never interfere (aka "assist") because the varieties I hatch should hatch readily if I hold up my part with correct incubation and hatching conditions. But, being human and relying on machinery, it's an imperfect attempt. I do lose a few waiting too long and they get exhausted and die before I go in, but it's preferable to delivering a premature baby with a protruding yolk and bleeding its precious little bit of blood.

With chicks or turkeys, if they struggle and yell, they are generally ready. Gentle inquisitive peeping doesn't count. If they rock and roll and yell then I will extend the pip into a zip along the same horizontal line and lift enough to be sure the inner membrane isn't gluing them in.

I think yours may be ready. But it's so hard to tell online. What does he do if you tap?
I haven't tried tapping on the egg yet in fear that the humidity drop may do something bad. I will have to see as soon as I get home which should he in about 45 mins. My gosh if I'm this concerned about a goose I can only imagine how bad I'll be with kids! Haha

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