Please help, duckling at stake!

The poor baby isn't any better this morning and I'm at a loss of what to do. Last night when I was calling vets to check no where nearby has anyone on staff who knows about ducks, not even the emergency animal hospital I used to take my cockatiel to if something was wrong because they HAD a vet who did "exotic animals."
At this point I'm thinking the poor thing won't make it, and it's nearly breaking my husband and I's hearts that we can't do anything else to help.:hit
The poor baby isn't any better this morning and I'm at a loss of what to do. Last night when I was calling vets to check no where nearby has anyone on staff who knows about ducks, not even the emergency animal hospital I used to take my cockatiel to if something was wrong because they HAD a vet who did "exotic animals."
At this point I'm thinking the poor thing won't make it, and it's nearly breaking my husband and I's hearts that we can't do anything else to help.:hit

I'm sorry to hear she isn't any better. As a last resort, you can try to get your hands on red rubber catheter tubing (3.5 french, size) and much like an endoscopic tube, lower it down into the esophagus in an attempt to dislodge whatever is stuck. Doing such as procedure does not come without risks, but I'm afraid ideas are running out rather quickly. Many stores carry these online, but you can also contact a medical store near you.

If you wish to proceed, I would lubricate the tube with some coconut oil, or mineral oil, and with a helper, gently extend the ducklings neck out, and slowly insert the tube into the right side of the duckling's mouth.
Question for the group - Would it be a good idea to feed a liquid diet like Pedialyte to help keep the duckling's energy up?
Unfortunately looking online for one it doesn't look like I'd be able to get one here before Monday as far as the feeding tube goes, and with how weak the duckling is seeming I don't think we have that long. I'll be going to some animal care stores to see if anywhere nearby might have one.
Have you tried holding him at an upside-down angle and gently massaging the neck in an upward motion? (Sorry if this has already been discussed i haven't read the whole thread). I had a guinea in a similar situation last year. She had something in her throat blocking her airway and was pretty close to dying (pale face, limp, couldn't sit up). I tried the upside-down massage and she started spitting up some gunk, im thinking she had too much food and didn't drink enough to get it down, but im still not sure what caused it. I asked on a Facebook group and they recommended to put a small amount of ACV in water and squirter it into the mouth with a syringe- the kind you get in kids medicine. I did that and then tried massaging, getting a little more of the gunk out each time I did it. This process went on all day, I would give her the water and massage every hour or so and monitor her between. By the end of the day she was back to peeping and walking around, and she's still survivin' and thrivin' today. Im still not sure what the exact issue was but im pretty sure it was a blockage. If you do this with your duckling I would be extremely gentle as it looks like the little thing is still very young.

I hope you can get it figured out. It always sucks when these situations pop up as you just want to make them better. Don't give up.

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