Please help duckling emergency



May 24, 2018
I have 3 baby khaki ducklings, 5 weeks old. This evening I found one of the upside down on her back and she could not right herself. I stood her up and now she is very out of it. She couldnt have been that way at most an hour since I last checked them. Now she will not extend her neck out, she is slow when she walks and her whole underside, chest and abdomen looks swollen. When i hold her she just sits calmly, not normal for her! I massaged her neck and she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. She drinks water, but I havent seen her eat, she goes to the food but acts like it hurts to move her neck. I'm hoping she is just sore from being stick upside down?? How do ducks get stuck upside down?? This is my second set and never an issue with the first pair. Any suggestions, advice is greatly appreciated. What do I do for her, look for? Thank you so much!
I have 3 baby khaki ducklings, 5 weeks old. This evening I found one of the upside down on her back and she could not right herself. I stood her up and now she is very out of it. She couldnt have been that way at most an hour since I last checked them. Now she will not extend her neck out, she is slow when she walks and her whole underside, chest and abdomen looks swollen. When i hold her she just sits calmly, not normal for her! I massaged her neck and she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. She drinks water, but I havent seen her eat, she goes to the food but acts like it hurts to move her neck. I'm hoping she is just sore from being stick upside down?? How do ducks get stuck upside down?? This is my second set and never an issue with the first pair. Any suggestions, advice is greatly appreciated. What do I do for her, look for? Thank you so much!
Pictures and video would help so we can see exactly what she looks like.
You can try giving her nutri-drench or some B complex. Keep her warm and comfortable.
My 1st aid kit these are two key components I keep.

The poly vi sol has to be without iron. Both of these are great vitamins that ducklings sometimes need an extra boost of.

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