Please Help! Eye worms?

Is it an abcess with pus? Hope you get the help you need. I've never had this with my chickens. One of my chickens was pecked in the eye pretty hard. It took weeks to heal.
I have no clue what it is. I got a lot out yesterday but more came back
I am not sure but is it where, all around the eye swells up and the kind of sinks in, cause one of chickens had it and we sprayed vetricyn on it, for 4-5 days and it got better.
This looks like eye worm to me. A vet in my area has suggested ivomectin, orally with a syringe. And then a second dose a week later. He wasn't too concerned that it was a serious ailment. If you can confirm it is eye worm, they are usually caused by eating a cockroach, and then the eye worm is a part of the process of life. You want to eliminate cockroaches. It doesn't seem to be contagious unless your whole flock is eating from a batch of bad cockroaches. You need to confirm the right dosage of ivomectin for the weight of your chicken. And you shouldn't eat the eggs until 21 days from the last dose as it isn't an approved medicine for people.

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