PLEASE HELP Feathers being pulled + bumble foot


May 3, 2021
SE New Mexico USA
My Coop
My Coop
This little girl, named Willow (Willow Ptarmigan) is having some issues, apx 9-10 weeks old . I recently got her from a local breeder, and she’s had issues from day 1, with her own clutch mates! My older chickens don’t bother her at all but her clutch mates constantly pick at her tail feathers growing in. I have isolated her, cleaned the wounds, let them heal, let the feathers come out, and then reintroduce to the main group. And the pecking starts again. It seems that one chick starts the blood going on Willow and then the other chicks join in. The instigator chick got a time out for several days since she decided to pick on another chick also, and just got reintroduced today and seems to have learned her lesson about the other chicks, but not with Willow.
I kept a close eye on Willow after reintroduction for about 4 hours, and she did well. Went to start dinner, came back, and she had a bloody tail again. I caught her and cleaned her tail again with alcohol, and rubbed neosporn all over her tail and back where the feathers are coming in. So far, there are no flesh wounds, only “blood feathers”? being pulled and the blood being drank/eaten by the other chicks.
I noticed she was limping a little in the run (just thought she had tender feet because it was a little rocky) so I looked at her feet also, she appears to have the start of bumble foot, all over her feet. I wiped with alcohol and rubbed neosporn on her feet.
She is in a medium size “pet taxi” with food and water at the moment, with some towels covering the entire bottom. She is going outside during the day with the front put up against the main run so she still gets to socialize with the others. She gets taken into the garage at night if it gets at or under 50.
What else can I do for her? I’ve never had a similar situation on either ailment, ever.
She is super friendly and acts like a parrot instead of a chicken lol, and is extremely compliant when I clean her wounds.
I have terymiacian ointment on hand also if needed.

Thank you in advance for any advice <3

Ps, she is not doing this to herself.



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Poor chicken... I would at least place here apart until the wounds are healed.
You could place her nearby but fenced, so they can see but can't hurt her
That’s what I was doing.
Someone on Facebook suggested using Vic’s vapor rub on the injuries to deter pecking. It seems to have worked. The bully is still isolated but the others are not picking on Willow at all.
It’s been a few days, I am going to reintroduce the bully and see how it goes.

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