Please help. Goose bullying ducks.


8 Years
Feb 22, 2016
New Hampshire USA
My Coop
My Coop
We have a Pilgrim goose and 2 Buff ducks. All are females. They were bought and shipped together as day old chicks almost a year ago. They have been raised together and have always gotten along. (We have chickens, but they have their own coop and run.) The ducks and goose share their own coop and run, and until just recently everything was fine. The goose, Mayflower, laid her first egg a week ago, and that seems to be when problems started. We noticed puncture-like marks on the heads of our 2 ducks the other day. Even though everyone free-ranges together, the chickens have NOT been out with the ducks and goose at all for weeks. We knew it was Mayflower. She has been the sweetest goose, almost cowardly. This is so upsetting.
This afternoon I noticed more wounds, and they were worse. We're horrified. We've put Vetrycin and Green Goo on them and hubby is bringing home Blu-Kote tonight on his way home. I just don't know what else to do, and am hoping this is a phase that will pass. We do not have a farm, barn, etc., and as mentioned only 2 coops---one for the hens and one for the ducks and goose. Ditto runs. Space and money are also an issue. We would be devastated to get rid of anyone. It's just not an option at this point. The goose has always been so protective and loving toward the ducks before this! Any help and advice gratefully appreciated.

Hormones cause changes in behavior, can you split you pen you have for your ducks an goose so she can’t injure them? Even inside the coop? Are you taking your gooses egg when she lays? Or can your ducks share pen an coop with your hens? They can injure ducks too with their pecking.
Thanks Miss Lydia. We thought it had something to do with her hormones too. No way to split the coop, but we do have a tiny coop that is for sick hens or new pullets. It's pretty small for a goose, but we think we are going to put Mayflower in it tonight and until something changes...The run is a problem. No way to split it. The ducks can't go in with the hens as we will soon have 8, and their coop and run is not big enough for 2 ducks as well. Just not sure what we are going to do during the day since the ducks and goose cannot be together right now. We sure are hoping that this might be temporary hostility. Hoping others may have had this issue and have advice!
Everytime Mayflower has laid an egg, I have taken it away right away and into the house. She doesn't seem to be 'broody'...This is so unlike how she has always been...
Both my female goose an gander are very temperamental right now. They are pretty good out on the property with everyone but no way could either of them be closed up with the other birds. Breeding season goes until May usually it does here anyway once breeding season is over they mellow out again. With your Buffs having bites on their heads makes me wonder if she doing mating behavior with them. Have you noticed her mounting your Buffs?
Both my female goose an gander are very temperamental right now. They are pretty good out on the property with everyone but no way could either of them be closed up with the other birds. Breeding season goes until May usually it does here anyway once breeding season is over they mellow out again. With your Buffs having bites on their heads makes me wonder if she doing mating behavior with them. Have you noticed her mounting your Buffs?
No, haven't seen anything like that but happy tomorrow is Sat. Hubby will be home and we can let them out for a little while while we are out there and see if anything goes on. Like you, I think this is an issue that is happening in confined areas (their coop and run). They were outside today all together and all was well. When I put them back in their run I went out a little later and saw the bleeding wounds on poor Charlotte. Brought her in to nurse her and then separated them. Hubby is so upset too. I was hoping and praying that this was a 'mommy mode' issue and that it would pass in awhile. This is the first time we have ever had goose and ducks!
Both my female goose an gander are very temperamental right now. They are pretty good out on the property with everyone but no way could either of them be closed up with the other birds. Breeding season goes until May usually it does here anyway once breeding season is over they mellow out again. With your Buffs having bites on their heads makes me wonder if she doing mating behavior with them. Have you noticed her mounting your Buffs?
PS Miss Lydia where are you? We are in New Hampshire. Lol, any 'lady goose' advice appreciated! I love my Mayflower. Here I am with her!

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She’s beautiful!:love I am in Western NC. My female would never sit on my lap like that. For your goose to be that tame confirms she is suffering from crazy hormone syndrome. Best you can do is separate them when yo have to put them up. She is probably feeling pretty protective of her whole space right now.
Have you seen the plastic step in poles and fencing? That could work for a cheap, temporary barrier between ducks and goose in the run/coop.
If you have just an old table or something the ducks could hunker down under on one end of your run and leave the coop and other half to the goose?
Just a thought...I'm seeing the same out of my female goose who is usually very submissive to her duck buddies but not lately...she and her gander are big bullies right now. I'd be afraid to pen any of them together.
@ColtHandorf has a murderous goose. Has killed other birds before. They can be quite dangerous if not separated. 😔

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