Please help! Goose having problems standing.

B12 is okay but he needs the whole B complex. At least B12 may perk up his appetite.

Benefits B12
Final Thoughts on Vitamin B12 Benefits Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble nutrient in the vitamin B complex that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. Vitamin B12 benefits your energy levels, mood, memory, heart, hair, skin and digestion. It’s also essential for the production of DNA and red blood cells.
Thanks @aart I was on my way to get that.

Also start the Rooster booster right away. It sure can't hurt.
When I rec the liquid B complex its because we have seen so many on here come back and say how much it helped their ducklings. [waterfowl] Possibly reg B complex [human] would work as well I have never used them.
Hi guys. Not much improvement yet. We are going to get the b12 complex today if we can. We have him at our not avian vet, he seems very sensitive around his pelvis.

He still hasn't ate much. I can get him to eat a couple of pieces of torn off kale or mustard greens sometimes but it's only like, 4 or 5 pieces. His poop is either vibrant green or clear.

He also sometimes has a very airy wheeze like hes out of breath. He also keeps doing this with his mouth:

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What does the vet think the way he’s doing his mouth it sure gives you the idea something maybe stuck and might be why he’s not eating.

The vet didnt know, he used to work on ostriches way back when but he doesnt remember much. I mostly wanted him to make sure it wasnt anything broken or out of place.

It does seem like its stuck or something. I'm not sure what though. I can't keep his mouth open without him grinding my finger until it bleeds.
I can tell ya young geese will put anything in their mouth so he could have def picked up rope string no telling. If you’d had blood drawn you could at least rule out infection. Did you discuss tube feeding? He can’t live long eating just a small amount of kale. Xrays May have showed if anything was stuck too. I know not everyone can get vet care for their birds I am just tossing out possibilities if you decide to go back.

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