
11 Years
Jan 28, 2008
the Usa
I will be doing an experamint in which I will hatch supermarket eggs I don't know how to candle eggs after 1st week and I don't know how to tell if some stop developing and I do't really have time because eggs at shoprite and kings are there and whole foods eggs will be coming in on thursday so I'm going to build the 'bator soon (
I hope) and I hope some hatch
whole foods eggs will be fertilized and kings/shoprites eggs will be free ranged (well I'm not really sure on any because none of the people sounded like they knew anything but I'm keeping my fingers crossed) I pray that the stores have everything I need because once the 'bator's done the eggs will be going in and I don't have time to waste because if the first hatch is well I will try it again for some results insted of buying chicks. I just pray everything turns out alright. Oh and I will be writing everything in a notebook and maybee I will post it. THanks to MIss Prisy who has the bator I will (probally) end up making and Justino and the guy in England and all the wonderful people who gave me this brilliant idea
So THanks

I hope all goes well
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Just get a bright flash light. A small one works best. stick it up to the egg in a dark room. If you see something dark in there it's developing, if not. It's probably not, but I'd wait until the 14 day to toss any.

If the eggs just say free range, they aren't fertile. If they say fertile then they are.
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your question, please clarify.

If you already have an incubator and the eggs have been inside it at the right conditions, candle them on day 10 and look for a black blob.

If you have not set them, set them when your bator is ready.

Good luck hatching store eggs, but it has been done.

Look at this page for more basic hatching info:
You need to be reading up with a good hatching and candling book......There is a learning center on this site too....
You do not that most, if not all eggs from the super market will not be fertile, right? As they do not have roosters in with battery hens or hens used just for egg layers for the store.

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