Please help! Is my silkie just looks so bad :(


7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
All the feathers from her back are almost looks like blue dusty mould

...she is eating well and running around as usual. She is a fighter as she was quite unwell last year and we had to hand feed her to keep her going. She recovered well but when we released her back with the others (2 silkies & 6 isa browns) the isa browns started picking on her....just this week we noticed the condition of her feathers and i have taken some photos below....whats wrong with her please...looking as her neck area she seems to be molting as there are like white "sticks" but no feathers....on her back however, there arent eh usual white "sticks"...please see photos below...any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated...thank you in advance!

It looks like her feathers are growing back which are the sticks. For the dirty look, it looks like she took a dirtbath. I'd watch her for a while but it looks like normal moulting to me. If you have a rooster he might be taking out a lot of the looser feathers that were about to moult off. Hope she'll turn out okay.
do you have a rooster...he could have done that....either way I would recommend chicken saddles...they will allow the feathers to grow back...because when the other chickens she that bare skin on her back they will pick at it and only make it worse
silkie skin is naturally a black/purple look to them, the color shouldn't be too much of a worry unless it contrasts to the other areas of skin around it.
Thank you....thank you.....thank you for your replies ...

We do not have a rooster ....but the Isaac browns do pick on her ...

I have never heard of a chicken saddle will check out the store we buy our cook feed from ....

Thanks again have put my mind at ease ...was shocked to see her like that
keep an eye on the other hens i have seen a boss hen in flocks with no rooster actualy ride some of the other hens lower on the pecking order that may explain the feather damage on the back neck looks like normal molting

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