PLEASE HELP ME! Face being eaten? Beaks gone???? Help! GRAPHIC PICS!!!

That is truly terrible!

Good luck to you and your birds. I do agree that some type of predator is getting at them. Re-enforce everything that you possibly can and check over for possible enrty places.
No mysterious creatures or bad guys getting them! A predator that can sit on top of cage and reach thru the wires to pull them within reach. Odd there are no body bites, just face?

I would bring remaining into garage in dog carrier till you can properly reinforce the cage. Whatever it is will continue till all is lost!
I keep looking at those pictures (not gonna be able to eat supper btw) and that just does not look like a predator attack. It looks like there is some underlying disease going on. What it is I don't know. I keep thinking of flesh eating bacteria in humans (but I am a nurse lol).
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If it is a disease or fungus, could it not be internal to the chicken where the beak is generated/connected to the bird. If it dies off there first then the beak could just fall off over night, maybe?

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