Please help me identify Rodney's breed


Great to see someone else from my part of the world on here. I'm from Apopka not to far from were 441 and 436 meet.

Great coop by the way. Good luck with your rooster!!!
Sent you a p.m.

i got Rodney 2 hens today!
i got a $25 tip so that sealed the deal. i feel i basically got these hens for $15 total with the tip lol.

one is a barred rock and the other she couldn't remember at the time. they had mixed breeds, bantams, biggy's, weird little japanese hens with tiny legs and strait horizontal tails! they also had goats, horses, gees, turkeys, ducks, dogs and cats all with their own areas but aloud to free range together. it was quite amazing. got to hold a 4 day old goat. was cute. teh horses came up to me to check out the goat. not like anything i've ever encountered. i've been to zoos and farms, but nothing like that. the hole place was at peace.

the two mutt dog and the lady's daughter (looked like a teenage sweetish model! crazy, i guess that's what they mean by raised on cornbread?!) and the dogs herded the selected hens for us gently. rather amazing. an awesome experience!

anyway, here's the two hens. haven't named them yet.

here they are in the dog crate i used. they didn't make a sound at all driving back for 45min!


here they both are in the coop. surprised they are kind of exploring at night!


here's the barred rock on the ramp. i really need to put some tracking things on there. i was shocked how easily they slide!


and the other one again, anyone know what breed?

i am so surprised how they let me hold them and pick them up so easily! they don't care, totally domesticated!

so what do you all think of the ladies? i like em a lot! glad i have off tomorrow and can't wait to see Rodney's reaction!!!!
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oh forgot to mention...

before i left to pick up the hens i whipped up a quick 12x12x12" nesting box with a 3" lip or whatever on the front. took all of 15 to 20 min or so. yay scrap wood!

thanks all for the comments!

can't wait to look outside tomorrow!

really need to get some traction thing on the ramp!
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So today i woke up and of coarse first thing i do is look outside. Three is Rodney, beak up against the wire. Flapping his wings every thirty seconds and pacing! LOL

but when i went to take a pic he darted off. i'll catch him in the act later.

i also found THIS:



my first egg already

here's the ladies pecking about this morning.


also, these may sound like some dumb questions. Since i'll have a roo living with them, how much time can pass without collecting an egg before it's considered inedible? as in a fertilized egg. you just collect them and put them in the fridge also right? people keep asking, "but won't they be fertilized when you collect/eat them?" i just tell them you can eat fertilized eggs and that i figure you just have to collect and refrigerate them soon enough. i'm just wondering how soon that has to be. what's the limit they can sit not collected if fertilized before you can't eat them? and i just plop them into the fridge right after? anything else?

Your are right. I just saw the last video you made. Your bird has yellow legs and this can not be a true breed red. He most likely is a cross breed. I have on of these in the barn and he has yellow legs as well. He is still a purdy boy and well worth keeping.

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