Please help me, i'm having an eggsistential crisis!

Will the death happen within an hour because I candled the cracked eggs and I saw veins (Or something that looked like veins) moving?
It might happen quickly or it might take a couple of days.

You're going to want to get a couple more chicks to keep your single chick company if it hatches. Candle it too to make sure it doesn't have any cracks in it. You might want to abort this hatch and try again with at least half a dozen eggs if you can't find any chicks locally.
The main problem you are facing is bacteria! Inside the egg, the little chicks are inside out, and if bacteria enters the egg white (albumen) it enters into their body as well! It's not impossible for them to survive, but your chances are next to 0. I've had a cracked finch egg hatch this way, but the chick did not survive.

You can maximize their chances by swabbing the surface of the egg shell and entire incubator with a bird-safe disinfectant, and painting over the cracks ONLY with Elmer's glue. The egg shell is porous, like skin, and allows gas exchange so you can't coat the whole egg. Don't use alcohol to disinfect as it might affect the fetus. In the event that any chicks hatch, they have to go on antibiotics right away. Because of the lost moisture from the cracks, you'll need to raise the humidity. It might not be worth doing because it could compromise your remaining eggs, though, so maybe don't unless the cracked eggs are separate.

Don't be tough on yourself!! Every one of us has bungled a hatch or dropped an egg at least once. We're only human after all.
I'm going to echo a previous poster and recommend Myshire Farms. Look them up on youtube. Zack has some really great videos. If you order through ebay, you can often find Myshire offering free shipping.
I have been incubating quail eggs for 6 days and I candled them today, I saw that two of them have an air sac at the bottom and half of the egg is empty, an half is dark. I don't see any veins in the 2 eggs and I am wondering if they are infertile. (It may be because I don't have a very powerful flashlight
Can you post a picture? There is normally a clear spot on the bottom that isn't actually the air cell. When I was new to incubating I panicked once because I thought the air cell was on the bottom of all of my eggs!
How do you have time for Backyard chicken?! You are like an angel descending from the heavens to answer everyone's questions! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all my questions!:bow
I've seen people do that, but it doesn't work very often. That also usually only works for eggs that have hairline cracks, not ones that are cracked enough to have stuff starting to ooze out. You can try it, though.

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