Please help me kill this ermine-nothing is working!

I have one right now under my hay shed that I am leaving raw liver for in a weasel box as the poster above showed a picture of, just so he trusts the box. Once I have chicks I will kill him in the same spot where I feed him with a large snap trap inside the box. Depending on the variety their habitat can range 10 acres so you want to relocate far if you decide to live-trap. ETA: depending where you are relocating may be prohibited.
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I don’t necessarily agree with concealed carry, or even open carry in most places, like cities and towns, but in the country I do think it’s not inappropriate. Especially in bear/cat country! I do not want to run into a grizzly up north doing wood for my uncle, and if I’m going out back you can be sure I’d be armed!
Well I sure would like to see the gun on someone's hip as opposed to tucked into a purse or something. I wanna see what I'm up against. Just saying. And we do have a big bear problem here in Maine. Talk of being able to bag more than one or opening a spring season. Largest bear population on the East Coast.
I have one right now under my hay shed that I am leaving raw liver for in a weasel box as the poster above showed a picture of, just so he trusts the box. Once I have chicks I will kill him in the same spot where I feed him with a large snap trap inside the box. Depending on the variety their habitat can range 10 acres so you want to relocate far if you decide to live-trap.
In many placed in the US it's illegal to re locate besides there is always a chance it will come back.
Red meat in a hav-a-hart trap.
Not a sure-win, but that's what they like the most from experiences.

Sorry for your losses, they are nasty creatures.

But yeah, crappy hamburger or even old steak in a hav-a-hart trap worked for me. I know you said it hasn't worked yet, but if you haven't tried red meat, try it.
One time I had to lure one with a old ham I had, so if you have that, that could work to.
Otherwise...I dunno.
Good luck though, hope it works.
View attachment 1653318 I have one right now under my hay shed that I am leaving raw liver for in a weasel box as the poster above showed a picture of, just so he trusts the box. Once I have chicks I will kill him in the same spot where I feed him with a large snap trap inside the box. Depending on the variety their habitat can range 10 acres so you want to relocate far if you decide to live-trap. ETA: depending where you are relocating may be prohibited.
They are kinda cute... :oops: (For the record, I'd be looking to kill them, too. We had a mink attack a couple of years ago. It happened while we were on vacation. One day, shortly after we got back, I was driving down the road with DH in the car. A mink tried to run across the road toward our place, so I swerved and hit it, yelling, "I GOT YOU, YOU CHICKEN KILLING VARMINT!!!" DH just reached over and felt my forehead. I usually try to avoid running over animals.)
Let's NIX the gun law crap RIGHT NOW!!
This is not the place for that discussion.
Sorry, my fault :oops: !!!

I’m jealous of you guys in the USA... and just wanted to explain why I wasn’t able to deal with the problem I found on my way to feed my cats (badly suffering goat) myself. And that we have different (stricter) regulations in Canada. I’m very pro shooting pest animals that kill my livestock, or any predators that might hurt me (when I have that problem).

My bad... :oops:
Sorry, my fault :oops: !!!

I’m jealous of you guys in the USA... and just wanted to explain why I wasn’t able to deal with the problem I found on my way to feed my cats (badly suffering goat) myself. And that we have different (stricter) regulations in Canada. I’m very pro shooting pest animals that kill my livestock, or any predators that might hurt me (when I have that problem).

My bad... :oops:
It was not your fault. NO one's fault. Just giving information.
View attachment 1653318 I have one right now under my hay shed that I am leaving raw liver for in a weasel box as the poster above showed a picture of, just so he trusts the box. Once I have chicks I will kill him in the same spot where I feed him with a large snap trap inside the box. Depending on the variety their habitat can range 10 acres so you want to relocate far if you decide to live-trap. ETA: depending where you are relocating may be prohibited.
Is there a second one in there... far back in the dark on right side of picture?

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