Please help me kill this ermine-nothing is working!

I guess this is part of the answer to what I was asking... and indeed if folks are okay with a few extra holes poked in their things, then I'm certainly okay with it too. ;)

But I was more concerned with whether folks were considering the fact that there is a strong chance of the bullet or shot pellets passing through shed/coop walls, or ricocheting, or fragmenting and ricocheting, etc. My coop and shed have enough metal tools and shelves, etc. on the walls that I know there would be high change of this.

Just be safe and understand that those 22s, even 22 shorts and many subsonics, have a pretty high change of passing through a shed wall when shot at under 10ft.... and different loads and different brands even, often shoot differently from the same gun, so the chance of collateral damage and hitting a nearby object that causes a ricochet goes up.

22 CB caps might be a good bet for a single projectile, but I've never had them shoot very consistently and accurately even at close distances, and the low velocity lends to ricochets.... also be aware their is some risk of the projectile not having enough umph to clear a rifle barrel, which creates a dangerous situation when you don't realize and shoot again.... so maybe pistols and revolvers only?

There are powderless 22 rounds that just use the primer as propellant... so maybe that's a good option... but again ricochets... I've never shot these, so don't know much about them, but have looked them over at the store, and noticed it says right on the box not to shoot them from a rifle, due to the fact they are likely not to have enough power and will get stuck and again creates the dangerous situation when you don't realize and shoot another shot.

Bird shot and rat shot are maybe the best options... I guess I kind of dismissed them due to the issues with fouling the barrel rifling which then causes accuracy issues when going back to shooting single projectile rounds, but I know it's not a concern for others.

So thanks for all the answers.... and again be safe.... and be careful not to get too "target locked" and forget to think about:
  • what's in front of your target
  • what's behind your target (and will it stop the projectiles)
  • ... and I guess when shooting in cluttered coop or shed, what's next to your target (in case you miss)!

( also, sorry to the OP if I've derailed the thread :oops:)

It’s ok- I’m learning quite a lot here!!

Also, no sign of it, even after spreading around lots of nice treats (without traps). I think it has moved on temporarily. I’m sure as soon as I let my guard down it will be back :(
Keep and eye out just in case... but hopefully it ran into a nice “friendly” owl or hawk or such that took care of it for you!

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