Please help me save my bird

How is Jasper and the spinning bird today? When a bird you have treated has recovered, do any of those get sick again, or only the ones that haven't yet been sick and treated? Did you purchase all your flock members as day old chicks? I really hope the correct doxy-tyl dose prevents any more illness in your flock!

There are tests for both cholera and coryza. Coryza discharge usually has a very bad smell. If you smell a sick bird's beak you should know if the problem is coryza. For both of these diseases, sulfa drugs are more effective than other antibiotics.
Jasper has improved. Spinning bird has not spun since being put back in quarantine. I keep huffing chicken breath and I honestly do not smell anything.

Healthy chick is now sick. Sound on

Infectious laryngotracheitis is reported on a property within 5 miles of mine. What are the odds that's what I'm seeing? Not that I want this to be the cause

I would be highly concerned if ILT was reported within 5 miles of me, because in my state (Texas) ILT is a reportable disease. I don't know if that is true in your state also, or if you found out another way.
I would be highly concerned if ILT was reported within 5 miles of me, because in my state (Texas) ILT is a reportable disease. I don't know if that is true in your state also, or if you found out another way.
The pathologist casually mentioned it as he was swabbing my birds for the MG PCR. It was a flock of 15 polish. That's all I know
Sorry I didn't mean to send that prior post yet. Yes, your bird's symptoms Could be caused by ILT. ILT is caused by a virus, so antibiotics won't help, although birds often carry more than one disease, and so antibiotics could alleviate other symptoms. A reportable disease means your flock will be closely monitored by your state animal health commission for as long as you have chickens. With some reportable diseases such as avian influenza, euthanization of one's entire flock is mandatory. I know your chickens are dear to you, so proceed carefully before you decide to have them tested for any of your state's reportable avian diseases. (Every state is different as far as what diseases they require to be reported.)
Sorry I didn't mean to send that prior post yet. Yes, your bird's symptoms Could be caused by ILT. ILT is caused by a virus, so antibiotics won't help, although birds often carry more than one disease, and so antibiotics could alleviate other symptoms. A reportable disease means your flock will be closely monitored by your state animal health commission for as long as you have chickens. With some reportable diseases such as avian influenza, euthanization of one's entire flock is mandatory. I know your chickens are dear to you, so proceed carefully before you decide to have them tested for any of your state's reportable avian diseases. (Every state is different as far as what diseases they require to be reported.)
Since the day my rooster dropped dead 3 months ago I have already cried over the imminent death of my birds. Many times. I have felt in my bones that they have something that they will not survive. I know.
ILT is on your state's list of reportable diseases, but looks like a vet is not required to report suspected reportable diseases, only a lab is required to report if a "non-negative" test is confirmed. Your vet may suspect ILT, but was sparing you much potential grief and loss if you chose/choose to have one of your birds tested. IF that's what is in your flock, that really $ucks and I'm sorry. Research online and learn all you can about ILT before making any decisions.
Since the day my rooster dropped dead 3 months ago I have already cried over the imminent death of my birds. Many times. I have felt in my bones that they have something that they will not survive. I know.
As with all other chronic bird diseases, some birds will never have symptoms even though they will remain carriers for life, while others will succumb and die. Also, there are different strains of the ILT virus that cause varying degrees of symptoms. There is no way to know if your flock carries ILT without having one tested, but their symptoms combined with confirmed cases so near to you is suspicious. Take deep breaths, relax and learn all you can. Most of all, enjoy each day with your dear chickens, and do your best to keep them content and healthy. In the end, that's the best any of us can do.
As with all other chronic bird diseases, some birds will never have symptoms even though they will remain carriers for life, while others will succumb and die. Also, there are different strains of the ILT virus that cause varying degrees of symptoms. There is no way to know if your flock carries ILT without having one tested, but their symptoms combined with confirmed cases so near to you is suspicious. Take deep breaths, relax and learn all you can. Most of all, enjoy each day with your dear chickens, and do your best to keep them content and healthy. In the end, that's the best any of us can do.
Why is this happening to me? I don't go anywhere, I don't take my birds places, I don't go places with birds. Why? How??
I spent 5 years learning how to be the best chicken keeper for the breed I always wanted and once I got them last year I gave them everything, all my love and heart and soul and they loved me back in kind,I wanted 10 years of coffee and lap cuddles and the absolute cosmic unfairness is sending me

Absolutely incredible. Years of research and building a bomb proof coop, going nowhere working from home, every day spent fostering trust, and this is where it leads

There aren't enough deep breaths for this and I don't know if I can do it again. I've told everyone who'd listen that I can't imagine life without chickens but I mean THESE chickens not just any
Sometimes there truly are no answers as to why bad things happen to innocent people. I may have lymphoid leukosis in my flock as of 2 years ago. I have remained in denial because I hadn't brought any new birds in the flock, but I've had losses in numbers I never had before, and have found suspicious tumors in home necropsies. Usually people can figure out how their flock contracted a serious avian disease, but not always. With avian respiratory diseases, usually the first appearance of symptoms is the most severe. Your birds that have become ill and recovered may never show symptoms again, especially since you keep them well-cared for and stress-free.

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