Please help me save my bird

Sometimes there truly are no answers as to why bad things happen to innocent people. I may have lymphoid leukosis in my flock as of 2 years ago. I have remained in denial because I hadn't brought any new birds in the flock, but I've had losses in numbers I never had before, and have found suspicious tumors in home necropsies. Usually people can figure out how their flock contracted a serious avian disease, but not always. With avian respiratory diseases, usually the first appearance of symptoms is the most severe. Your birds that have become ill and recovered may never show symptoms again, especially since you keep them well-cared for and stress-free.
I could live with never having another chicken again if the ones I already have can live their lives with me. I'd throw them all into a volcano if that's what it took to save Jasper. Will the answer save any of them?
Why is this happening to me? I don't go anywhere, I don't take my birds places, I don't go places with birds. Why? How??
Most breeds were created through selective inbreeding. When this is successful it's called "line-breeding". When it's unsuccessful it's just called "inbreeding"

Typically all of the mother, daughter, dad, grandma mixing creates sickly birds

I honestly suspect that your "critically endangered bantams" are critically endangered for a reason, and therefore to perpetuate the breed would only needlessly create more suffering in our universe

I pray that your birds recover, but I also pray that one day humans won't create any more sick and inbred birds
Most breeds were created through selective inbreeding. When this is successful it's called "line-breeding". When it's unsuccessful it's just called "inbreeding"

Typically all of the mother, daughter, dad, grandma mixing creates sickly birds

I honestly suspect that your "critically endangered bantams" are critically endangered for a reason, and therefore to perpetuate the breed would only needlessly create more suffering in our universe

I pray that your birds recover, but I also pray that one day humans won't create any more sick and inbred birds
Hey can you kindly not with this.

Hey can you kindly not with this.

I apologize. I simply love chickens and I feel bad seeing them suffer

I've only been raising chickens for a year and a half now, but I have over 100 outside right now sleeping in trees and in all of this time I have only ever seen one sick bird

This is why I suspect genetics are a factor. God bless you and your birds, ma'am
I will see Dr. Porter tomorrow morning and report in I guess
Since starting to give Jasper a full size Doxy-Tyl she has regained her appetite. She laid an egg. She is down 15 grams from 535 to 515. Bile is apparent in stool but at least it is not only water. I have acquired nutri-drench and I think it helped stimulate her appetite.

Spinning bird was added to quarantine with Jasper. They seem to get along perfectly fine and I've been monitoring them closely on camera. She has not spun since being separated. I haven't medicated her with anything, just waited to see something develop.

Here is the results of the necroscopy and swab.

What now?View attachment 3561087
This chick that died...did you happen to help it out of the egg?

This chick's death is unrelated to the respiratory issues with your adult birds.

If one of your older birds pass will you have the lab necropsy it?

What exactly do you feed your birds? Specifically the one that is doing the wired spinning?
This chick that died...did you happen to help it out of the egg?

This chick's death is unrelated to the respiratory issues with your adult birds.

If one of your older birds pass will you have the lab necropsy it?

What exactly do you feed your birds? Specifically the one that is doing the wired spinning?
All chicks are dead, now. The first chick that I euthanized and had necropsied, yes I did help it. I did not help the others.

Yes, if an adult bird dies, I will. I lost the opportunity when Agate died.

Home Fresh Extra Egg Layer

Roosters comb at death was purple
Rooster first to be affected and died sudden death
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, fluid in lungs apparent on radiograph, heavy breathing, resolved with 14 days clavamox 250mg/pill 1.25 pills daily
Next hen affected: swollen infected orbit eye unable to open, resolved with 4 weekly breast injections doxycycline
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, viscous clear bubbly mucous in mouth and nose audible rasp, diarrhea, resolved with 4 breast injections doxycycline - then started spinning when added back to flock
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, heavy breathing, watery diarrhea, bright green stool, resolved thus far. Presently asymptomatic and on last day of doxy-tyl
Next affected (4 week old male chick): lethargy, heavy labored audible wheeze and crackle, violent sneezing, mucous expelled across the head and face, viscous mucous in the mouth, euthanized. Last living chick asymptomatic but I wasn't about to leave it alive singly

Fowl cholera?
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All chicks are dead, now. The first chick that I euthanized and had necropsied, yes I did help it. I did not help the others.

Yes, if an adult bird dies, I will. I lost the opportunity when Agate died.

Home Fresh Extra Egg Layer

Roosters comb at death was purple
Rooster first to be affected and died sudden death
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, fluid in lungs apparent on radiograph, heavy breathing, resolved with 14 days clavamox 250mg/pill 1.25 pills daily
Next hen affected: swollen infected orbit eye unable to open, resolved with 4 weekly breast injections doxycycline
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, viscous clear bubbly mucous in mouth and nose audible rasp, diarrhea, resolved with 4 breast injections doxycycline - then started spinning when added back to flock
Next hen affected: lethargy, loss of appetite, heavy breathing, watery diarrhea, bright green stool, resolved thus far. Presently asymptomatic and on last day of doxy-tyl
Next affected (4 week old male chick): lethargy, heavy labored audible wheeze and crackle, violent sneezing, mucous expelled across the head and face, viscous mucous in the mouth, euthanized. Last living chick asymptomatic but I wasn't about to leave it alive singly

Fowl cholera?View attachment 3566231View attachment 3566230
The bacteria infection the helped chick is most likely unrelated to the respiratory disease.

It sounds like a respiratory telling which one and if they are not testing positive for one then it's probably viral.

Hopefully you won't lose any more. Keep them on a strict balanced diet wit little or no treats and as stress free as possible. Stress can make symptoms worse.
I looked at some of your older threads, including when your bantams were new chicks. Oh my gosh they are so beautiful and cute! I easily see and understand why you love them so much, and am still so very sorry you are going through this. Have you had a chance to ask your vet if he thinks the issue could be fowl cholera? There are very knowledgeable people on this forum, but nothing beats a hands-on exam and in-person consultation with a good vet, even more so, one with avian experience. Do you have confidence in your vet? I'm mainly asking because in one of your other threads, you said he wanted to put your sick hen down and send for necropsy. There is a time for that if one dies, but so far all your adult hens have overcome their symptoms?

The only avian disease a vet is required to report in your state is avian influenza, but there are several other avian diseases that Labs in your state are required to report. I caution you to have a discussion with your vet re this issue before you have any lab work done for any of the reportable diseases. I dont know the repercussions if results come back positive, but would absolutely want to know before i took that route. Same goes for necropsies, but I truly hope your hens that have recovered continue to be asymptomatic and you need never take this route.

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