Please Help -- Quail Seizure or Illness?

Thanks for your insight! He does have some feather loss on his lower back and preens quite a bit. Could this itchiness be sign of ticks as well? I am very new to quails.
If you’re in the northern hemisphere like me in the US it’s molting season here. Natural for them to be a bit itchy and temperamental at this time. My poor girl Peanut had a really fast molt with 3/4 of her body in pinfeathers and every time someone else walked in front of her she’d scrunch up and shuffle backwards all around the coop.
Unless they’re super crowded or in poor conditions I don’t think quail are as susceptible to mites or ticks as certain large, fluffy chickens are. Much more likely for it to be molt, or potentially feather picking. A picture would help if you’re seriously concerned about parasites.
Welcome to BYC!

It could be from some kind of head injury, otherwise it could just be one of his weird quirks (I have some males who run around backwards sometimes).

Keep an eye on him and let us know if anything changes :)

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