Please help... question regarding post hatch


6 Years
Apr 8, 2018
Northwest Arkansas
I have 8 eggs that are on day 20... w
My grandparents 50th anniversary party is this weekend (3 hours away) we assumed (yes, I know, bad idea) that the babies would be hatching tomorrow or maybe some Saturday and then we got back home on Sunday we would move them to the brooder.

Well... we have an earlyHatcher! None of the others have even pipped. He was externally pipped to out of the shell in just a few hours...and boy Is it cute. :love anyhow. I wanted some advice... should I move this guy to a brooder alone or leave him in the incubator until sunday?? It seems like such a long time to leave him. Or is there another alternative such as putting some feed in the incubator with maybe a dish of water with rocks in it so that no one drowns :confused: what are your suggestions?? I suppose I could ask someone to move him and any others that are dry to a brooder Saturday?? Would that be best? These were shipped eggs that got here a different time than we expected and that's why this Is an issue. :barnie for cuteness sake.. pic attached . :love b/b/s marans baby from papas poultry
I have 8 eggs that are on day 20... w
My grandparents 50th anniversary party is this weekend (3 hours away) we assumed (yes, I know, bad idea) that the babies would be hatching tomorrow or maybe some Saturday and then we got back home on Sunday we would move them to the brooder.

Well... we have an earlyHatcher! None of the others have even pipped. He was externally pipped to out of the shell in just a few hours...and boy Is it cute. :love anyhow. I wanted some advice... should I move this guy to a brooder alone or leave him in the incubator until sunday?? It seems like such a long time to leave him. Or is there another alternative such as putting some feed in the incubator with maybe a dish of water with rocks in it so that no one drowns :confused: what are your suggestions?? I suppose I could ask someone to move him and any others that are dry to a brooder Saturday?? Would that be best? These were shipped eggs that got here a different time than we expected and that's why this Is an issue. :barnie for cuteness sake.. pic attached . :love b/b/s marans baby from papas poultry
is he dry?
and congrats!
He is about half dry right now I'd say... we aren't leaving until this evening so he should be dry by then. Thank you :)
He is about half dry right now I'd say... we aren't leaving until this evening so he should be dry by then. Thank you :)
when he gets dry then you should then put him in the brooder
but it doesn't really matter. if he stays in there he wont be as scared but it doesn't really change anything
Pics? Chicks can survive the first almost three days no food or water, that's why you can buy shipped chicks ;) I would leave him there, but I'm no expert... :confused:


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