Please help vent is swollen and torn don't know what to do!!!


5 Years
Mar 3, 2014
Hey All,
I thought our little blue OEG hen was egg bound but I am really not sure now... Her vent seems torn and swollen and it feels like she has an egg in there but there is blood and she seems to still have poop, albeit runny, coming out.. I attached a pic, it is gross, the white is poop. We've been soaking her in an epsom salt bath, drying her and putting vaseline on her vent hoping she would push it out but nothing is changing. She is in a separate little pen in our house now, in the dark to help her relax.. She has been egg bound before and we got it out pretty easily. She doesn't seem sick otherwise as we didn't even notice except my son was doing his weekly check on all our little ladies.. She is drinking and eating and we've added calcium.. Any insight would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!!!


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Do you think that the other chickens may have pecked at her prolapse and made it bloody? I would try to feel around to see for sure if there is an egg in there, and try to find an opening in her vent to massage it out. Someone recently here had been treating a prolapse for a couple of days, and discovered that her hen had passed a lash egg from the prolapse. That is a product of an infection from salpingitis. I would keep at what you are doing to help her, and just remember to keep the prolapse lubricated at all times with something like honey, vaseline, vegetable oil, or plain Neosporin ointment, so that it does not dry out. Here is a video of someone removing a stuck egg during a prolapse:

Thank you for the reply! I keep putting Vaseline on it and messaging. It feels like an egg is in there but I just can't see it like I could before and it seems like there is a lot more swelling, tearing and redness.. I will watch the video! Thanks again!!!

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