Please help - What killed my chickens?


14 Years
Feb 16, 2009
New England
Hi everyone,
I wrote this post earlier but I can't find it, so I'm trying again. Last night, we got back from vacation, and I found we were missing one hen, and my beloved ridiculously funny rooster. This morning, I found the poor hen hiding in the rain, under the grill. She had a wound in the back of her neck, about the size of a nickel. It actually did not look fresh. But she was also missing tons of feathers and some skin from her back, and had multiple small-ish bite wounds all over her hindquarters. Her belly and crop were distended and tender, and she was regurgitating. She has since died.
I found a pile of her feathers between our house and the neighbor's house. This is the brushy area where the hens always sit under cover during the day.
I looked everywhere and could not find a single trace of my roo, Mr. Chester. Then I listened to a phone message - my neighbor letting me know that he had just found one of his dogs eating a dead chicken. (Eating Mr. Chester! Waah!) My neighbor mentioned that he knew his dogs would chase the chickens but he didn't think they'd ever hurt them. Not true - I have pulled a hen from his dogs' mouths in the past.
Do these wounds sound like something a dog would do? The hen was attacked on my property, judging by the pile of feathers. But I see not a single feather, absolutely no evidence that Mr. Chester was attacked here. It's possible that the chickens were in the neighbor's yard, and maybe the 3 dogs chased them, catching one in their yard, and one in my yard.
Or do you think it's more likely that something killed Mr. Chester and dragged him into their yard, then possibly got scared by the dogs? I am trying to piece this back together, not only for peace of mind, but also so I can figure out how to prevent any more horror and sadness! Thanks everyone.
It sounds like dogs. Dogs chase their prey for fun, and sometimes munch on them. What sounds like happened is they were chasing your hen first, and caught her a few times, plucking and biting her, and she ended up escaping under the grill. Then they spotted your rooster and chased him somewhere else, that is why there isn't any feathers belonging to him in your yard. The only thing that confuses me is the size of the wound on your hen's neck. How big are the dogs? The size of the bite sounds like a fox, but a fox should of been able to crawl underneath the grill to reach the hen...I would say it was a dog. Whether it was your neighbors dog or not, it is impossible to be for sure without seeing it chasing your birds. It is very possible another dog killed Mr. Chester and sat down to eat him in your neighbor's yard, where your neighbor's dog chased it off and found Chester.

Sorry about your lose though...
I'm sorry for your loss, that is always hard to take.

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[COLOR=000000]It sounds like dogs. Dogs chase their prey for fun, and sometimes munch on them. What sounds like happened is they were chasing your hen first, and caught her a few times, plucking and biting her, and she ended up escaping under the grill. Then they spotted your rooster and chased him somewhere else, that is why there isn't any feathers belonging to him in your yard. The only thing that confuses me is the size of the wound on your hen's neck. How big are the dogs? The size of the bite sounds like a fox, but a fox should of been able to crawl underneath the grill to reach the hen...I would say it was a dog. Whether it was your neighbors dog or not, it is impossible to be for sure without seeing it chasing your birds. It is very possible another dog killed Mr. Chester and sat down to eat him in your neighbor's yard, where your neighbor's dog chased it off and found Chester. :confused: [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000000]Sorry about your lose though...:/ [/COLOR]
I would SERIOUSLY have a long talk with my neighbor about the behavior of his dogs. This isn't the first time, you say? That dog is a predator and that's a HARD habit to break.
It could be dogs. I was once at my friend's house when her dog started to attack a chicken; it was a mimiature pooddle. Anyway once I caught the dog and saved the chicken, the wounds were very similar to what you described.

On another occaision I was not home when the nabor dog attacked my chickens he had vmy americauna/silkie by the neck, and we also found some white feathers scatterd all over our lawn. He probably almost had our silkie to! And the nabors said that their dog would nerver do that! LIE!!!!!!

I am very sorry about Mr. Chester!
I had the same problem and now I have an electric poultry mesh with a solar charger. Every now and then one of those dogs hits it and goes yelping off into the distance. I have not lost a chicken to dogs since 2009. It is the dogs nature to kill and it is pet owners nature to want to let their pets roam because they really do not believe their sweet pet would do such a horrible thing.
Get a fence. I have a 150 foot perimeter and my 5 hens seem really happy inside. I enclose shady places as well as grass. google Premier poultry fence.
I had the same problem and now I have an electric poultry mesh with a solar charger. Every now and then one of those dogs hits it and goes yelping off into the distance. I have not lost a chicken to dogs since 2009. It is the dogs nature to kill and it is pet owners nature to want to let their pets roam because they really do not believe their sweet pet would do such a horrible thing.
Get a fence. I have a 150 foot perimeter and my 5 hens seem really happy inside. I enclose shady places as well as grass. google Premier poultry fence.

This is a perfect solution!!! In this particular case, I do feel the neighbor with the responsible dog should split expenses for this fix, but it's workable.
I have NO sympathy toward dogs who prey on my stock OR their stupid/overprotective owners. This problem would have been dealt with the FIRST time the thing got ahold of one of my hens if it were me in the situation. ....................
Thanks SO much for your input, everyone. As much as I can't stand those beagles, I can't completely fault the neighbor because my chickens do sometimes visit his yard thanks to his many bird feeders that spill seed on the ground. It is possible that the chickens were in his yard to begin with, and then the dogs chased them. His dogs do have an invisible fence - he doesn't let them roam on purpose - but I've seen them blow through it many times (if a beagle smells something interesting, it's worth the shock.)
We have spent most of the day today putting up a 200 ft fence through the trees and brush so that the chickens have no access to the neighbor's yard, and the beagles can't waltz into our yard on a whim.
I will also check out the electric poultry mesh for reinforcement.

This irks me all the more because I'm an emergency vet, and the neighbor has called me many times at all hours at home, at work, you name it, when something is wrong with one of his beagles. In exchange for helping the dogs, they kill Mr. Chester and Stripes!!

Thanks again, hopefully a fence along the property line will prevent another incident, though it won't bring Mr. Chester back.
The dogs were beagles? Yep, it was them. We have some beagles of our own, but we keep them in kennels for good reasons. The moment they get loose, they instantly attack all my birds. I've tried shock collars, but beagles are going to do what beagles do unfortunately.

That's good that your building a fence, but the neighbor should be helping with the construction of it since his dogs killed your birds and are the reason you have to build it...
I don't think the neighbors should have to pay for anything. No offense, but your chickens, your responsibility. If it was a fox who would you say should pay then? The protection of your property and animals is your job.
At least you didn't lose more, right? Especially since you were gone on vacation.

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