Please help with breed pronounciation!

The English pronunciation yes.
How about

I'm not any good at spelling or saying words right I like to hear them .

I've heard marans in more than one way.
I say it mare ens.

This is how I say
welsummer is easy well summer
lakenvelder lock en vel der
I cant do the other 2
An - duh- looz- yan (?)

(I believe the last one is a combo of australian and orpington...
Marans is a town near La Rochelle on the coast of France.

I don't suppose it matters a great deal whether the name is correctly pronounced or not. In US the countries Iraq & Iran are very often pronounced 'eye-rak' & 'eye-ran' & I expect people usually understand to which country they are referring.
Other random ones and how I say it:
I say D'Uccle as doo-cluh
D'Anvers, I say don-ver. I'm assuming this is also french, in which the last letter is not pronounced.
Marans - muh-rans. If you're in France you'd probaby hear it as if it were singular.
Mille Fleur is....Meel Flur (if you really wanna get the accent going it sounds like FLUH
)....although it's often just said millie flur cause it's easier.
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