Please help with my birds - Dominique, Buff Orpington, Faverolles


Apr 1, 2017
We bought 6 pullets from Tractor Supply and I have been paranoid from day 1 that we might end up with a male. I've looked at photos online and still can't tell. My kids (and me!) are all so attached to these birds, it will break my heart if we end up with boys because they will have to go. I am most worried about the Dominiques, because my kids are especially attached to "Margaret" and looking at photos of them online I swear I can't tell, and almost lean towards them looking more male than female because of their huge feet.

Please ease my mind, or at least help me prepare for the heartache. :( I have other pics I can supply if needed.

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Beautiful birds!

I think both of your faverolles are hens!

Good luck!

-The Angry Hen


Beautiful birds!

I think both of your faverolles are hens!

Good luck!

-The Angry Hen

What do you think about the DOminques? Maragret and Leia have always concerned me, because from 3 days old they seemed to look different (their wing shape). The faverolles are *my* personal favorites, but if Dominique Margaret ends up being a boy there will be many tears shed.....
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@Chaos18 If I remember right Chaos has had doms or was it jwl. How old are they? Do you have any pictures of the two of them a firm on top so we can see the light. Or lack of it from when they were chicks?
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I love Faverolle's too!

But I don't know much of Dominques.
Leia looks like a pullet! (I don't want to mislead you though!)

Not sure of Margaret though! Sorry!

-The Angry Hen
I meant spot (sorry voice typing) that is why I asked for very early photos of the top of their heads. Leia looks more pullet like to me but...
Young for all that pink/red. Hopefully someone will help that is more experienced.
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Ok, this is the best I have handy, Leia and Margaret, you can kinda see the tops of their heads in these. I didn't see a real difference there. But Leia has dark spots on her beak, which seems to line up with females, and Margaret has none, and is also a lighter shade (almost dark gray where as Leia is almost black) which seems to line up with being male.

I think you have one of each. I hope someone can tell me I am wrong. It is hard with production Birds because they often don't select well for the auto sexing that should be natural in auto sexing breeds.
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