Please help with sick peacock

He is almost 7 months old. The other day he had his tail fanned up and I came up behind him and grabbed him up to loom at his legs his legs are fine, after the first time I seen him do it I freaked out thinking he had got a sliver or a cut on his foot but their was nothing wrong hes just goody. I will take some pics and see what you guys think.

It's not something you would notice with him in your hand, at least not at first, and he's probably fine anyway. Just look and see if both his feet are pointing forwards when he stands and walks. Look to see if one of his feet might be angling away from the front slightly more than the other one. They will put their feet all kinds of ways as they walk, but you are looking for something consistent, with one foot turned to angle out a bit more than the other... It has nothing to do with cuts or injuries. Thanks.
his feet look normal and both are pointed towards the front standing as well as walking. Sorry its not the best pic but I couldnt get him to hold steal for me
they both hop around I was watching my IB in the pic try to catch a bug a while ago and he was getting all crazy hopping around. But the BS does it when he runs. I hope nothing starts going on with his feet!
All of you have been a great support system and have made this journy a lot easier to ask questions and get trusting answers. You BYC Pea people are amazing and with all I have been through with my birds I hope that some day somebody is going to be in my position and I can help them out with what I have learned like all of you did for me. I dont want anybody birds sick! All im saying is ir feels good to have people that care and will take the Tim out to help somebody thats all
thank you!
they both hop around I was watching my IB in the pic try to catch a bug a while ago and he was getting all crazy hopping around. But the BS does it when he runs. I hope nothing starts going on with his feet!

This bird that hops when he tries to run, does he sit on a perch? Does he ever run without hopping? How long has this been going on?
Did you send two different photos, out was one just a close up?
He is almost 7 months old. The other day he had his tail fanned up and I came up behind him and grabbed him up to loom at his legs his legs are fine, after the first time I seen him do it I freaked out thinking he had got a sliver or a cut on his foot but their was nothing wrong hes just goody. I will take some pics and see what you guys think.
Peas hop around when playing i see it every day here especial when they play ring around the rosie
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Peas hop around when playing i see it every day here especial when they play ring around the rosie

Well, yes, Zaz is right... they do hop when they are playing.

Here's what I'm concerned about... when Shay described her pea as always starting to hop after running a few steps, that's exactly what my lame pea does. He developed a twisted leg when he was a youngster, and I did not know enough to recognize it when it started, and when I did recognize it, I did not know about taping or any way to fix it -- nor did my vet -- and I was unsuccessful in finding the information that could have corrected his leg deformity in time to repair it. So I have a grown pea who is permanently lame.

When a bird consistently runs a few steps and starts hopping, it can mean that the bird's physical structure isn't permitting it to run comfortably. Or, as Zaz said, sometimes it's just playing. It's the PATTERN of running and hopping like that which makes me want a closer look at this bird's legs and feet.

Shay, here's a really poorly drawn diagram of feet that might help explain. I drew a clock face, with 12:00 being the direction the bird's beak is pointing. The middle toes are also pointing at 12:00, straight ahead, like this:

Now birds will put their feet down different ways when they walk... they aren't robots
But if you start noticing a bird is standing or walking with that longest center toe pointed off one side a bit, like 11:00 or 10:00 ... (or 1:00 or 2:00), then that bird might be developing a twisted tibia. If caught in time, sometimes a twisted tibia can be corrected with taping. @DylansMom knows a lot about how to fix this. I've only had one bird affected, and sadly, didn't know enough in time to help

There's photos of a bird with nice straight feet from an angle that's easy to see, on the very first post in the "A Pea with Personality Plus!" thread.

I don't know where to find clear pictures of turned feet for Shay to look at... could someone else post something?
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Im trying to answer all the questions
he does perch at night and he walks normal and when he runs he doesnt always hop. When I get home this afternoon im going to catch him and take some pics that are more clear.
Im trying to answer all the questions
he does perch at night and he walks normal and when he runs he doesnt always hop. When I get home this afternoon im going to catch him and take some pics that are more clear.

Perfect! I'm hoping I am just being an old worry wart, and I don't want to get you all concerned for sure. I bet he's just fine. Let's just check, though, because it's hard to spot at first, and it's permanent if it's not fixed early.

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