Please Help! Wyandotte Chick Sexing

They look like my SLW girls that are the same age. With my last chicks I raised, I noticed the cockerels had the tiniest combs since day one and then that area developed pink way earlier than the pullets. The pullets stayed yellow in the comb area until 12-14 weeks old too. This may vary with breed, but that was my experience.
Thank you so much that is good to know! I assume your chicks were feather tested and that's how you know they are pullets? Were your last chicks wyandottes?
Here they are at 5 weeks!
So we're entering awkward pre-teen scruff phase! I love how dorky the chicks look at the moment. Finally starting to see the hint of some pretty feathers coming through :) It's still too soon to be sure but I want to keep updating in case I can help someone else in the future. Still feel as if the silver could well be a rooster, but the gold isn't showing any glaring rooster signs (YAY). Let me know what you think!
Gold 5 weeks.jpg
Silver 5 weeks.jpg
B0844DDB-E9BF-4473-83DD-25A17935D9C7 (2).jpeg
Week six!
Saw the silvers comb become significantly 'pinker' over two short days. I've been calling him 'he' but I haven't completely given up on him, it's still early so you never know :) He's very friendly, as is my sweet golden girl!

Gold 6 weeks.jpg
Silver 6 weeks.jpg
Week 7! At this point I'm quite convinced my gold laced is a pullet! YAY! However, I still believe my silver laced may be a cockerel. I've heard lots of 'the comb doesn't look that red yet' but it's quite red in person now. In comparison to the other two chicks there is a large difference.

Silver also hasn't feathered evenly and still has bald spots on the neck and chest. Tail feathers are whispy and curly and feathers across the 'shoulders' and back are sharp instead of rounded. Legs haven't thickened and not much in the way of wattles though! Would love to hear any opinions from those who have raised wyandottes from chicks before :) Thanks
Golden 7 weeks.jpg
Silver 7 weeks.jpg

Silver comb 7 weeks.jpg

Yes you may be the first WA local I've seen! We are a lucky bunch especially in the middle of this pandemic.

100%. We'd only just come out of the sunshine and summer when the pandemic hit, which I think was partly why WA (and all of Australia really) didn't get it as bad as the other countries like Italy and England; for them, being in the middle of winter hasn't helped things with staying healthy.

Your golden has gorgeous lacing - may I ask where you got your chooks? Maybe ours are sisters :love

😊 Thanks! We got all of ours at a place called Comps Poultry as day olds.

Here's my Golden girl a few days ago with her half-koala, half-chicken baby. "Onwards steed!"

Awww, so cute! 😍 What breed is the chick? Do you breed your girls? Our Australorp cross used to love perching on her mum's back; which earned her the title rodeo rider.😁 She got a shock though when she tried to jump up again at 6 or 7 weeks and Mum ran off squawking. 🤣

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