Please Help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 4, 2015
South West Florida
I need advise concerning one of my hens. It's a barred rock, hatched in November. She is just laying down looking sick. I had another hen doing the same thing two days ago but within a day she perked up and was back to pecking happily that same evening. This one not so. I noticed her looking I'll yesterday morning, and she's still not looking good. She will eat dried worms and I'm making her drink an electrolyte solution but she looks worse. She can get up but after a couple of steps she lays back down. I can't feel an egg and she's not coughing though today her beak is open and she's panting. She seems to have loose stools as she has poop on her vent feathers...What can I do? Thanks is advance for any advise!
It could be a number of things.

Is she overheated?
When was the last time she laid an egg?
Any chance she ate anything rotten/moldy?
How does her crop feel, hard, squishy, doughy, etc.?
How does her abdomen feel - hard, soft, fluid filled, etc.?
Any signs of lice/mites?
Has she been wormed?

If you think she is overheated, move her to a cooler area and offer cold water - the electrolytes are ok for a couple of days. If she feels really hot, then you can dip her legs, feet and lower body in cool water. Heat stroke may take a couple of days to recover from. Once she is hydrated, offer wet feed and some egg, tuna, mackerel or meat.
It could be a number of things.

She has not been wormed and I'm thinking I'll try that today....
There are no signs of mites but we do have a ridiculous amount of mosquitoes here in South Florida...could that be a factor that would only affect one bird?

Her crop feels empty if slightly squishy much like the others but without the lump of food the others have.

She absolutely could have eaten something rotten as were in the middle of mango season and there's rotting fruit everywhere.

She ate a little food this morning and I saw her drink as well. I started the whole flock on Corid yesterday to rule that out and I'll worm them also. Any suggestions on a good wormer?
Thanks so very much for helping me solve this mystery!

Is she overheated?
When was the last time she laid an egg?
Any chance she ate anything rotten/moldy?
How does her crop feel, hard, squishy, doughy, etc.?
How does her abdomen feel - hard, soft, fluid filled, etc.?
Any signs of lice/mites?
Has she been wormed?

If you think she is overheated, move her to a cooler area and offer cold water - the electrolytes are ok for a couple of days. If she feels really hot, then you can dip her legs, feet and lower body in cool water. Heat stroke may take a couple of days to recover from. Once she is hydrated, offer wet feed and some egg, tuna, mackerel or meat.
She has not been wormed and I'm thinking I'll try that today....
There are no signs of mites but we do have a ridiculous amount of mosquitoes here in South Florida...could that be a factor that would only affect one bird?
Her crop feels empty if slightly squishy much like the others but without the lump of food the others have.
She absolutely could have eaten something rotten as were in the middle of mango season and there's rotting fruit everywhere.
She ate a little food this morning and I saw her drink as well. I started the whole flock on Corid yesterday to rule that out and I'll worm them also. Any suggestions on a good wormer?
Thanks so very much for helping me solve this mystery!

If you think she may have eaten rotten fruit, separate her so you can monitor her food/water intake and avoid eating anymore rotten fruit. See if she improves with the Corid for a few days. If not you can give her some poultry vitamins that have selenium. (You don't want to give vitamins while she is on the Corid - they are a bit conflicting).

Poultry Nutri-Drench and Poultry Cell are two that would be good if you can get them (Tractor Supply?) If you can't get one with Selenium, you can give her egg or tuna both have it in them. The symptoms don't quite fit Botulism or Mycotoxicosis, but Selenium is part of treatment plan. Vitamins for a few days won't hurt either way.

Mosquitoes can cause fowl pox, but you would see scabs/sores on the comb and wattles - pox generally does not cause symptoms you are describing.

As far as worming goes you may want to take a fecal sample to your vet to have a fecal float performed for confirmation of worms. If it is worms, then you want to stop the Corid, treat for worms, then give some vitamins and yogurt once treatment is finished. Valbazen 1/2 ml orally and then repeated in 10 days for each chicken or Fenbendazole (Safeguard, Panacur) at 1/4 ml per pound for 5 days in a row.

How does her abdomen feel - when was the last time she laid an egg?
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I wanted to let you guys know that my chicken recovered!! I'd say she's about 98%. I started them on the Corid, tomorrow will be day 5 and there has been no more sick birds. I do see some loose stools still and I ordered the Valbazen so I will worm them when that arrives. They free range a lot alongside many wild birds so I'm sure it will be beneficial. Also I'd rather worm them now that their production is down a bit due to the heat and disease...thank you for all your input and open ears!
I wanted to let you guys know that my chicken recovered!! I'd say she's about 98%. I started them on the Corid, tomorrow will be day 5 and there has been no more sick birds. I do see some loose stools still and I ordered the Valbazen so I will worm them when that arrives. They free range a lot alongside many wild birds so I'm sure it will be beneficial. Also I'd rather worm them now that their production is down a bit due to the heat and disease...thank you for all your input and open ears!

So glad that she has recovered

Very well could be have been Cocci since they free range and especially if your weather has been hot,humid and rainy.
Ok, same chicken seems sick again:-( I took a close look at her and on her neck, under the feathers I see what looks to me like pin feathers...could she and the other "sick" chicken be going through their moult? The other one is fine now, apart from a slight case of fowl pox...but this one is laying down again while the others scratch and peck...she just looks "out of it"...she is eating a little still and will walk around a little. What do you guys think now?
Ok, same chicken seems sick again:-( I took a close look at her and on her neck, under the feathers I see what looks to me like pin feathers...could she and the other "sick" chicken be going through their moult? The other one is fine now, apart from a slight case of fowl pox...but this one is laying down again while the others scratch and peck...she just looks "out of it"...she is eating a little still and will walk around a little. What do you guys think now?
Can you post some photos or a video? Especially the "looking out of it" part,what her poop looks like, and what position she is laying down in.

Can you clarify - the same one is sick again, but you have another that is sick as well?

Separate out the one that is laying down so you can monitor her food/water intake and also whether or not her crop is functioning properly. Should be full or have food in it at night - check first thing in the am before any food/water - should be empty.

This is her...she weighs about half of the other barred rock I have...
Her poop is watery, her crop was almost empty this evening. I got her to eat some layer pellets out of my hand.
I'm going to get a float test done tomorrow and I'm soaking some food overnight hoping that will get her eating. She stands off by herself.
I did have another chicken with the same symptoms but she recovered in a days time and is 100% again.
I'm just perplexed and want to get her back to health! Thanks so very much for any input!

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