Please help!!!

I wouldn't just give sugar water (personally). I'd give them an electrolyte mix:
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons molasses OR 2 teaspoons granulated sugar OR 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride* (optional) (found in no-salt alternatives in grocery stores)
I hope your birds perk up soon!! I'm sorry you and your birds are dealing with this. I know it is very stressful.

Edit: I also agree with trying a food mash, or even some cooked scrambled egg to see if you can encourage an appetite.

If worst comes to worse, and they aren't drinking, using an eye dropper to squirt some fluids into their mouths may help. It's very easy to do, but easier with a second person. I always wrap the birds in a towel so they won't flap. I use this method often when giving orally injected medications.
I would also suggest at least water + sugar + salt at the minimum especially since I assume you have that available.
I would also suggest at least water + sugar + salt at the minimum especially since I assume you have that available.
This is why the potassium chloride is option. It IS a beneficial mineral for hydration, added to many sports beverages, but while most of us have salt sugar and baking soda handy, no-salt substitutes (which contain potassium chloride) is yucky and most of us don't have that handy.
This is why the potassium chloride is option. It IS a beneficial mineral for hydration, added to many sports beverages, but while most of us have salt sugar and baking soda handy, no-salt substitutes (which contain potassium chloride) is yucky and most of us don't have that handy.
I suspect a surprising amount of people dont own baking soda either haha.

Part of why I posted was because I had said sugar water in previous posts, but I add salt to mine, so I WAS misspeaking earlier.
I got one in my last batch of chicks that acted like that, couldn't stay upright, wouldn't eat or drink. I mixed up some sav-a-chic with a raw egg and put it in a spoon and dipper its beak in it, and she drank a little. Kept doin that for several hours, letting it rest in between. I expected to find it dead in the morning, but to my surprise it was drinking sav-a-chic on its own and started to eat a little. Next day, totally different bird and is doing very well. Maybe that would help your birds, they have been stressed from transport.:old
That is fantastic!
How is bird #3? I didn't see her in the video.
What did you do that worked to revive them?

I gave corticosteoid 0.5 mg and genta tylosin 0.5mg

also i have high potency vitamins and electrolytes.

but today in the morning again it was acting the same.... the tail is down again :(
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