Please help!!!

Its very difficult when people use abbreviations for terms that are unfamiliar to many people. But, ND is an abbreviation for
Newcastle disease, aka: pneumoencephalitis. It is an airbourne virus thats VERY contagious, and the virus afects affects wild birds, and loves chickens. When a chicken has it, they cough, choke and gag and will have bloody stools. Medicarions might help but, it remains dormant. It will be reported to the State and you can be basically mandated to quantine and humanely euthanize your flock.
Wild birds will pass it along.
Its very sad as many on BYC has experienced this dilemma of great sadness. But, as I understand they best way is to Start Over after a definitive diagnosis is made.
Contacting the local Vet Lab will test the sample.
I know what ND is! I just wondered what symptoms OP was experiencing.

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