She is a Buff Orphington. I'm hoping she's not inside all winter. My dogs and cats are not o happy right now. I'm hoping that the other 2 hens will miss her and welcome her back quickly. When the snow melts, I'll let then free range again together and hopefully it will be like it has been before she got this.
Ok thanks. We took it off this morning. She made it through the night and we cleaned the wound and applied more neosporin to it. I ordered Blu-Kote and paid for overnight shipping so it will be here on Tuesday since its the weekend.
hi, i have had this with my hen, the thing that happened with my hen is that the egg shell broke inside of her, i picked her up, and all the broken shell came out, her inside was bleeding because blood came out, she was absolutely fine after that, but this could be prolapse by the looks of it, my hens kept retracting..
please monitor her and give feedback.
I would treat the large wound with Blu-Kote and keep her seperated from the other chickens till she healed up. Chickens heal really quickly and well, most of the time from what I've seen.
Good Luck with her.

I totally agree...Blu-Kote is great stuff and will cover the redness which is what attracts other to pick at her. Also scarlet oil works wonders. I've used both on pretty bad injuries on horses with great success. You can pick it up at TSC, Southern States or online like Jeffers. Great stuff to keep on hand. Good luck with your hen, I hope she heals up real fast for ya.
Thank you. I don't think it's prolapse because her vent is normal and it doesn't look like the pictures I've seen on the web. Her wound is below her vent. We have her inside in a crate and today she got up and started walking with a limp. I think she slipped down the ramp on Saturday and slid. We were having nasty weather, snow and ice ans I think she scraped herself below the vent. She's eating and drinking and pooping normal. I'm hoping the Blu-Kote help heal her so I can put her back in the coop with the other two hens quickly. I'm nervous that they might not take to her very well if she is out of there too long.

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