please help


May 3, 2015

my poor colleen.ppet store said it was mites and conjunctivitis so I've treated her and the pen for mites and got an antibacterial spray and saline washes Which I've been doing 3 times a day. Small signs of improvement in one day but it's so severe I'm not sure how long it will take to get better. Also the teramycim spray is so strong..iit's says it's for sheep and cow..llady said ok to use on chickens but I'm not sure. Any help appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for your message. After 4 days improvement has slowed and the other eye has become infected so she can't see to eat drink or find her roost. I fear the antibiotic is either burning her face or not the right thing so I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow. Praying he can help. I really don't want to put her down but I don't want her to suffer either. Poor chook she was such delightful bird.
Welcome to BYC. Her conjunctivitis looks like a respiratory disease, perhaps mycoplasma or MG. She probably needs a systemic antibiotic such as Tylan 50 injectable, that you can give orally or by injection into her breast muscle. Dosage is 1 ml daily for 5 days orally, or for 3 days by shot. If giving the shots, give 1/4 inch deep into the breast muscle with a 22 gauge needle. If she is drinking normally, oxytetracycline mixed into her water for 7 days may help, but with the looks of her eyes, she may not drink enough. Mites are best treated with permethrin or sevin dust. The coop, nest box, and roost must also be treated and replace bedding.

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