Please learn from someone else's dumb mistake!

ohhh dear.... glad no-one was hurt though
I am chuckling and I cannot help it. I am so sorry you are going through this but it just brought back to memory of my father and his "burn pile". after my mother repeatedly telling him that even though it was legal at that time of year it was still too dry to burn....he goes out and sets his burn pile up in flames.

Next thing you know 5 australian pines are in flames, mother is yelling at me to call 911 while she is hosing down the roof of the house which has small flames on it and my great grandfather and grandfather are helpless because they are laughing like great grandmother and grandmother are making a sort of clucking clicking noise and shaking their heads.

Oh dad hid for awhile and later was slinking around the house quietly.
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Wow. I'm glad you all came out as well as you did! Just could've been much worse! DH and I have a no "told you so" clause in our marriage. It's worked for over 20 years. On the bright side, your taxes are paid, so is your car and your DH can see (clearly) what not to do again...

Colby in Ky
OMG reminds me of when DH and I first moved into our place. All the fields were horribly overgrown and I asked him to burn all the old grasses off the field in the spring. Thank God it was spring 'cuz boy did that go wrong!

The winds can pick up here without warning and knowing this I told him to start in the far corner and back burn so that it didn't get away on him and his friend....I thought they understood the concept of "backburning"

Well then I went grocery shopping and by the time I got back the whole field was black, they were running around trying to put out the fence posts and keep the fires along the fence lines from encroaching onto the neighbouring crops.

DH's friend had hung his jacket on a tree and couldn't find it after everything got put and his glasses in the pocket were burnt to nothing....oops!

But I had a good laugh and DH was suitably embarrassed. I'll have to remind him of that and why he should pay closer attention to instructions from his DW.

P.S. Have your DH read this thread it'll help him feel better that he's not the only one to goof up real bad sometimes.
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My father in law did that once it ended up burning the fields his yard and the side of the corn crib. Now my husband is on your VFD in our area and I can't even burn a leaf pile because he says it would be embarassing if we had to call department out to put out a field fire.
I'm glad it didn't turn out to be any worse than it was!

It's that time of year around here - brush fire season! We've only had one brush fire call so far, but I anticipate more. A lot of people make the same mistake your DH did. It seems like as soon as the weather starts getting nice, everyone is out burning stuff... and they don't stop to think about how well dry grass and brush can burn or how quickly it can get out of control!
Men and fire just don't mix. My husband once melted the siding on our house. He was a firefighter in Alaska on the North Slope.....
. Now, everytime he burns, ANYTHING, he makes sure he has a hose that will reach him. I'm glad that it was not worse!!
My dad just did something likes this last week and here in Florida it is really dry. Well my dad was burning some stuff last week and he doused it really good but what my dad did not reliaze was that a sparked was picked up by the wind and started some of our woods on fire. We were able to get it stopped before we had to call the Fire Department but it has been a sore spot for my dad.

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