Please Post Your Pics Of Landscaping Around Your Coop.

I plan on planting sunflowers on the south side of my run and grow something that will vine up the west side of the aviary. I also want to put up some window boxes with a mixture of flowers and "hens 'n' chicks" in it (for obvious reasons
). I have lots of spring projects- putting up the run, siding the coop, adding more ventillation, replacing the doors, and doing the landscaping.
I was also thinking about planting sun flowers around our coop, but I hadn't thought about the added benefit of shade!!! THANKS for the idea!!
Your garden area is wonderful....really looks great! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Thanks Roark!

Wasn't the wisest way for me to spend that last several months, given my history of back problems... but it's a nice place for stress relief after 8 hours at the office.

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