Please Post Your Pics Of Landscaping Around Your Coop.

Its a Work in process we just picked up some hostas and some ground cover clover for around the coop. The whole yard is a project


Honeysickle bushes in bloom behind coop.

Dug up and planted daylilies beside coop legnth to deter runoff.

Slate walkway to egg doors : )

Very, very nice! I think when those daylillies fill in it will look even nicer. Do some quick research to make sure they will not be toxic to the chickens. The Honeysuckle is not only pretty, but will smell wonderfully! Great ideas!
Our coop is finally finished. Now on to the landscaping. The only thing I know for sure I am doing is planting a black raspberry bush there on the left side. The area off to the left is in the middle of being cleaned up as the past tenants used the area to burn anything and everything.

Ok, I just started reading these but I'm already jealous. My chickens need a serious update. Maybe some vines along the sides.
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I have potted plants surrounding half my coop - several hostas that are in the shady area and a rose bush, cannas and aloe plant.

We are FINALLY finishing up with some of the landscaping around our coop and run. A picket fence is next....

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