PLEASE read all of the thread BEFORE you post !!!

nice chickens by the way, And horse
I cleaned the swearing out of this thread as per the BYC rules.

Usage of symbols as a way around the filters is a blatant disregard for the forum rules.

BYC Forum Rules

1. Remember this is a family board no swearing / foul language and no inappropriate "Adult" topics.
I admit to not always reading the thread entirely. sometimes I do not see a thread until it has 5, 14, 40 pages and I just do not feel like reading all of the replies but feel I have something I would like to add to the thread.

I try to read them all but sometimes it is just not the moment.
Sometimes people POP on with only a short amount of time. Who is to say that they may be the one with the answer to the question. They may be able to add something that really makes sense or clicks with the one that starts the thread. They may not have time to read pages of other comments but what they have to say could be valuable.
Just a thought...

But not to up my post count. (I don't particularly like being referred to as "Addicted")

Sometimes I'll read the original question, form an answer, read three or four responses and if the answer is not the same, I post in the hope that no one further down already gave my answer. If someone has already said the same thing, I usually move on.

For the most part, I try to answer threads that have not been answered... unless I'm doin' G'nite.
99% of the time I read all the post, if I feel that my comments are just repeated or are not of any help I do not post, I do not care about #'s, sometimes I do resist posting an opinion that may be to strong for the all the smiley faces, lol but sometimes I cannot help myself. What gets me is sometimes I will read a post that says, sorry I don't have an answer for you!!! what the heck is that about??. Most of the time I just read, learn and enjoy.

I try to get as much information as i can from the original and some others that post.
But i'm guilty of not reading all of the very long ones

I Do Mainly what Mahori said but i also agree with Sewin circle

DTchickens i like your web site i have the siver duckwings and use to have the blue. I don't show because i won't dub my birds just don't have the heart for it. I know alot of breeders and people that show it's a very competitive and exciteing hobby. Good Luck and you have some nice OEGB

Just for the record, I usually read through all the posts before I respond unless there are like 10 pages of posts. I don't consider any posts I put out there any part of a "numbers game"
When I start a thread, I am looking for as many opinions as I can possibly get so I can get a feel for what people are thinking or doing, so if I end up with 20 posts or 100 posts that all say exactly the same thing, great! It means to me that everyone is all on the same page, and that maybe they all know what they are doing. I reply to posts in exactly the same spirit. I joined this forum because I figured it was here for the exchange of information, ad that all opinions count.
Don't mean to sound like a lecture, but that's my opinion.

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