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I woke up in my bedroom. Dad must have taken me home.
I had a light blue cast on my leg that sort of limited my movement. I couldn't get around very fast, now.
I pulled my blankets to the left of me, andsat up, feeling groggy. I needed some food.
My cast limiting my speed, I hobbled down the hall, hoping my parents weren't awake, and came into the kitchen.I went to the fridge, and took out some shredded cheeze, a bag of lettuce, and italian dressing.
I hadn't had salad in a long time, so I wanted to have some now, so I pulled a bowl out of the cupboard, and put three handfuls of lettuce in it. then a handful of cheese, and some dressing.
The table was clean, with no bills on it for once, and i sat at it and ate my salad, the morning sun coming throught the windows a beautiful orange color.
Birds flew past my window, and I wondered about them.How they fly, and how their bones are hollow.
I finished my salad quickly, and went back to my room, dressed, and left a note for my parents.

Dear parents,
I am going to Amy's house, don't worry, i'll be safe.
I had salad for breakfast.

I was wearing sweatpants to cover my cast, and a blue t-shirt, with white nike shoes.
The door was locked, so I unlocked it, and stepped out into the cool morning air, walking on the sidewalk, heading east.
Amy lived only a block away, and I was halfway there, when I heard a man yell, "Ain't you the girl that called the police?"I walked faster, not wanting him to come towards me.
He didn't come. I felt relieved.
A few minutes later, I was at Amy's.The door was locked, so I pushed the doorbell.
She came and unloched it, and hugged me,"thanks."
"No, Thank you." I hugged her back, and then we went inside, locking the door behind us...

To be continued....
Goodnight! That was good, I can't wait to find out what happened. This has me nervous
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