Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Awwww...I'm sorry Aubrey. Just continue with what your doing and do your best to keep him as comfortable as possible.
The answer to your question about things getting worse before they get better is YES! Things do get worse before they get better, it's the axiom of healing...oddly enough. His body and tissues have suffered trauma, his body and immune system are doing what they can (swelling to create a cushion to protect undamaged tissue as well as to create a sort of "brace" for damaged areas, etc). All you can do is give supportive care like epsom salt soaks. electrolytes and meds (btw the suggestion to get your hands on Penicillin through fish meds was brilliant!).

Aubrey, if he's fighting you it could be the energy with which you are approaching him. You're stressed out. Every time you look at him you're tense, upset, worried...he FEELS that. So why would he be cooperative with someone who's coming to him with all this anxious, negative energy? Calm yourself, he's been through hell...which is why he looks like he did -- accept that he looks roughed up. Literally come from the center of your chest with how much you love him and are there to help him. Right now he needs YOU to be the calm and safety he's looking for. He saved the girls, now you're there to save him...not the other way around. Know what I mean?

We almost put too much on our animals when we're if our happiness depends on their healing. WHOA! Too much for an injured animal to carry. Right now it would be nice if he got his appetite back. (And of course our happiness teeters on their well-being, we can't help it) But he needs you, more than you need him at the moment, so get your emotions in a healthier place and you will get much more cooperation from him.

You wouldn't want your doctor approaching you with a, "Geez, I hope she makes it?!" attitude, neither does Petey.


I somewhat look at his fighting me as a good sign. Meaning he's got the energy to do so. Petey is my jerk rooster. Wont let me hold him, bites me all the time, mates his girls in front of me- so I guess I kind of was relied that he was still as feisty as usual. I'll definitely maintain a more positive attitude though
unflavored yogurt and olive oil will help get calories into him if he continues not eating. Plus the yogurt would probably help his digestion with all the other things he's got added to his diet right now. Also, epsom salt baths can dehydrate, so be sure to get him drinking after one! Is your brain on overload yet?

I somewhat look at his fighting me as a good sign. Meaning he's got the energy to do so. Petey is my jerk rooster. Wont let me hold him, bites me all the time, mates his girls in front of me- so I guess I kind of was relied that he was still as feisty as usual. I'll definitely maintain a more positive attitude though

I hear ya. Fight is better than no fight. But getting meds on him or fluids in time for fightin' Petey! Let Mommy help you!
Okay, got all his meds in him, pain relievers, baby food, extra water, gave him the bath, sucked out a white mass from his eye, sucked the dried gunk from his nostrils, cleaned wounds, administered NEOSPORIN, put him out in the sun with his girl. WHEw.
Now I can leave the house
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I would still give him a stronger antibiotic to help fight infection. Keep his eyes cleaned, and you can use a syringe with needle in inject fluids/vitamins under his loose skin so his body will absorb it. If anything is full of infection.. drain it and clean it. You can Use the new product called Vetracyin, you can spray it on wounds and around/in the eyes. If you have an antibiotic for people on hand, tell us and we can advise the dosage. It is REALLY important to get him started on a good antibiotic.... I have found tetracycline to be almost useless....
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