Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Hey guys, I am sad to report that Petey is not showing any signs of improvement this morning. His face is still very swollen and turning bright red. His entire body is very hot to the touch. He has developed a rash along his neck skin. He has also lost an alarming amount of weight despite his efforts to eat and drink. It's not looking good for mr. Petey....

Is his eye still draining?
sunny & the 5 egg layers :


Is his eye still draining?

Not really like it was, no. I got a little goop out of it this morning but it wasn't the usual waterfall o puss that I have been getting when I open his eyes. I don't know if that's good or bad​
Com' on Petey we are all pulling for you and thinking about you.

I am hoping that once his day gets going - his swelling will go down and eyes will open back up. You know how it is if you are injured - after a nights sleep - the morning can be the worst part of the day, getting things moving and flowing again.

Poor Petey. Aubrey, if he doesn't pull through, just know that there is not one person out there who could have anymore than you did. You have gone above and beyond what most people would do and Petey is so lucky to have you.

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