Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Poor Super Roo, *sends more healing vibs* At least he is showing signs of being a fighter! This is good right?
I can't get the swelling to go down in the right side of his face. It's gettin more and more swollen. It looks like its goin to burst! I don't know what else to do
If it bursts then that means the infection will drain, which will help it heal, try using warm water instead of cold, to help draw out the infection.
If you have a sterile needle, try seeing if you can draw any of the puss out with it, if all you get is blood, you have a problem. If its puss, then you know what you are working with.
Just try the warm water this time, and see if it helps. *My mothers advice, she is a vet tech and worked with wild birds such as hawks, she said that this haponed to a red tail who was struck by a car. she also says best of luck*
The other thing that she said, is that sometimes infection migrates and "pockets" itself. If this is what happened then the infection has pocketed itself on the side of his face. This also means that if its bursts then the infection will leave the pocket and theoretically he will get better.
Deep breath and try not to panic!
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If it bursts then that means the infection will drain, which will help it heal, try using warm water instead of cold, to help draw out the infection.
If you have a sterile needle, try seeing if you can draw any of the puss out with it, if all you get is blood, you have a problem. If its puss, then you know what you are working with.
Just try the warm water this time, and see if it helps. *My mothers advice, she is a vet tech and worked with wild birds such as hawks, she said that this haponed to a red tail who was struck by a car. she also says best of luck*
The other thing that she said, is that sometimes infection migrates and "pockets" itself. If this is what happened then the infection has pocketed itself on the side of his face. This also means that if its bursts then the infection will leave the pocket and theoretically he will get better.
Deep breath and try not to panic!

We just moved so I will have to look around for the box that has the seeing needles in it. I'm so scared to put a needle so close to his eye! Also, what if it is just swelling and there isn't puss? Oh why does this chicken have to worry me so.

Tell your mom I said thanks for the expertise and that I will do as she said
If it bursts then that means the infection will drain, which will help it heal, try using warm water instead of cold, to help draw out the infection.
If you have a sterile needle, try seeing if you can draw any of the puss out with it, if all you get is blood, you have a problem. If its puss, then you know what you are working with.
Just try the warm water this time, and see if it helps. *My mothers advice, she is a vet tech and worked with wild birds such as hawks, she said that this haponed to a red tail who was struck by a car. she also says best of luck*
The other thing that she said, is that sometimes infection migrates and "pockets" itself. If this is what happened then the infection has pocketed itself on the side of his face. This also means that if its bursts then the infection will leave the pocket and theoretically he will get better.
Deep breath and try not to panic!

We just moved so I will have to look around for the box that has the seeing needles in it. I'm so scared to put a needle so close to his eye! Also, what if it is just swelling and there isn't puss? Oh why does this chicken have to worry me so.

Tell your mom I said thanks for the expertise and that I will do as she said

She says to definitely be careful if its near his eye, and to keep him as still as possible without hurting him. If your going to do the needle thing, you need to find the center, or close to center as possible to insert it, watch out for blood vessel's, and try to be as in-invasive as possible. She said that if its just swelling, then you have to worry about fractures around the jaw or eye, or broken blood vessels in that area that could be causing blood pooling. If its just swelling, then it could be many different things, she still suggests soaking the area in a warm epsom salt soak.
She also said that the red tail had swelling on the side of his face and neck, they were able to lance it or something like that, and keep it clean. She seems to think that this is the same case, an infected bruise.
Again, be careful, and if he makes to much of a fuss, just keep soaking it.
Sounds good. I have a feeling that he will flail too much for me to safely get the center of this thing. You know how hard it is to hold a squirming chickens head still, especially when it's in pain. I'll try the other stuff and use the landing as a last resort. I honestly hasn't thought about something maybe being broken under there but it would make sense since he was dropped from the top of a telephone pole. If that's the case then I feel bad about the hot compresses, that would be painful.
Can you post a pic of the swelling? Often with chickens the puss turns into a hard cottage cheese type material. When that happens it must be removed. Often the puss will pocket into the sinus cavity right in front of the eye and slightly down and behind the beginning of the mouth. let me see if i can find a thread on removal. if things don't start looking better, i'd talk to a vet about some Baytril for him.
here is a thread on puss removal
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