Please send healing vibes for Petey.

Yep that's what he looks like. I will indeed talk to a vet if there is not improvement today, or I will try to pop it with a sterile sewing needle.
If you have a Tractor Supply store near by, they have scalpels. if not an X-acto knife works good. 1st clean the area well. You would need to make a small slit into the topmost bump of the swelling. Then softly start to massage out the ball of puss, it will be like firm white-yellow curds. Their may be a thinner layer of tissue in front of it that will need to be incised also. You would see it over the puss keeping it from removal. You may have to make the incision larger if it won't come out, but start small to begin with. Once all is out, flush with saline and pack it full of neosporin. You may have to keep massaging it as infection may try to build back up, just massage softly and reflush with saline.
I just threw up a little in my mouth. Poor Petey. Poor Aubrey!
Here is what he looked like this morning. The swelling has gone down almost completely on the other side. Obviously he doesn't look as bad as that peacock...

I am really hesitant to cut into his face. He is very tiny and squirms A LOT. his swelling is not hard either, it's still mushy. I just honestly dont know how I would hold him still long enough to cut through his facial skin. Another worry is that it just swollen tissue or puss that will drain. I just don't know...
I forgot to add that this morning after cleaning out and treating his eyes he actually opened this one just a teeeeeeeeeny bit for about five minutes. This is the first time I've seen this eye since the attack
I agree it looks more like just swelling, just keep doing what you are doing. For a roo that fought off coons and got dropped from a pole, he looks pretty dang good. His color is good, the swelling is less, that's good. It takes a few days for shock to wear off, for swelling to recede... just keep him eating and drinking.
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I agree it looks more like just swelling, just keep doing what you are doing.

Oh that's so good to hear! This morning he had a small amour of drainage from his eyes and that's it. There is a small chunk o white way down inside the swollen eye that I cannot get to. I'm hoping the swellin goes down a little today or tomorrow so I can get it

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