These are 6 week old RIR hens ( I hope they are all hens)

Ohhhhhhhhh I see quit a few COMBS already . Don't look like all pullets to me . LOOK at the one on the right , LOOKS for sure like a roos , since you saying they are only 6 weeks old ? YIKES
I am feeding them chick starter/grower. I don't even know what kind really, just what they carry at my feed store. They also free range for at least a couple hours each day, sometimes almost all day, in our backyard. I don't have any set schedule. I fill their feeder in the morning and then anytime after that if I notice it needs filling. I do have another barred rock (who I suspect is actually a mix given that her coloring is really washed out), who is not as big as the one in the picture.
sweet! thanx so much! but umm pardon my ignorance whats bantam size? my hen looks alot like yours except smaller and she is 14 weeks old. My rooster could be as big as your hen but my hen is so much smaller.... ummm mine are pretty true to their size in the pic maybe smaller but the roo is the same. but all these other pics of chickens on here all look like they could eat my are in a hutch and we take em out 1-3 times a week for exercise time.
cajunlizz, can you show me a pics fo your barred rocks? where can i learn more about this breed?
Sorry , daughter has the digital camera , and I dont have access to it right now . BUT this partiular thread has several pic's and ages of different breeds . infact , look on page 1 of this thread and I seen barred rocks .
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Bantams are just a smaller version of the standard chicken as far as I know. With Barred Rocks in particular, the barring on bantams tends to be more regular than the standard size. I believe bantams are about half the size of standard chickens and lay smaller eggs, but other than that, I don't know any differences.
LilBizzy wrote:
These are 6 week old RIR hens ( I hope they are all hens) … mIaRoo.jpg

Ohhhhhhhhh I see quit a few COMBS already . Don't look like all pullets to me . LOOK at the one on the right , LOOKS for sure like a roos , since you saying they are only 6 weeks old ? YIKES

I am still not sure about that one on the right. We had 11, and out of them 5 were definate roos. Their combs were almost twice that size and bright red. We traded those 5 for hens ( of which 1 I think might end up being a roo also)
I'll just have to wait and see if that one on the right crows, or lays an egg LOL​
cajunlizz, i understand! just wondering! thanx for your help!
justhatched, ok! i'm going to go post another thread on a matter of this and i would love your comment even if its the smae one!

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