Please Support the One and Only Thang

I had to sneek in the midnight pen next to him on my knees so he couldn't see me above the sight barrier and stick the camera lens thru the fence squares to get these pics.His current company is an Opal pied,Purple pied and 2 IB hens with one copy of white,one carries pied.
I had to sneek in the midnight pen next to him on my knees so he couldn't see me above the sight barrier and stick the camera lens thru the fence squares to get these pics.His current company is an Opal pied,Purple pied and 2 IB hens with one copy of white,one carries pied.

Getting pictures of Thang is like a Navy Seals Op!
Wow! Those pictures are amazing! Been a long time Thang fan. Don't even own a peacock! Thangs fan base reaches well beyond peabrains!!
What a pretty guy Thang is. I think I'd like to join the Thang fan club and celebrate the next annual Thang pride day. Check out the color on his tail looks like wings spread out when he is displaying.

And I fully support the 24/7 live video feed idea so we can all get our daily Thang fix
"All Thang All The Time"
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Do you Thang fans all feel like your all in one very,very small boat on a very very large ocean?? If anyone here wants a live Thang webfeed 24-7 I'll install the camera, ect but Thang isn't worth a thin nickel. His fan base can cough up the cost of the camera,web hosting ect,,,this I'm sure will bring out all his real fans to his rescue. Mark my words Thang will start to lose his train before any other peacocks here. He's not a full season type of pea,,he's not a team player,rather he is the only one on his team,,he still suffers from being an extrovert. Once in a very great while his peabrain does complete a very short full circuit.
Do you Thang fans all feel like your all in one very,very small boat on a very very large ocean??
I feel like I am in a very small, exclusive club of individuals with extremely refined taste.
However, as you can see, it isn't that small a club...the fame of Thang has spread far and wide, and his fan base continues to expand...
Okay, so Zaz has entered Pie in the "Most Striking Male Fowl Picture Contest" ('scuse me if that is the wrong title LOL) and I have entered Fred, but what we really need is Thang and now, FBC you've got the pics ! All in favor, say Aye? ? ? ?

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