Please tell me that I'm wrong.

I would wait until it starts crowing before you do anything with them.
15 weeks , I would expect them to crow already.
I do have dominiques and barred rocks and sometimes I tought that one was a rooster and they gave me an egg, proof me wrong.
Just wait and see and you know for sure, it is just 1 more month what do you have to lose.
I think Denise is your only chance at a pullet, but my guess is all three are cockerels. I would take them back and ask for pullet replacements. That is an epic fail, 100%.
I wish you were local. I'd be happy to take one off your hands to go with my 4 Dominique girls. Sorry to hear they're all probably roosters.
: Angelique

I would say all roosters for sure. It's much easier to sex dominiques at a day or so old vs. three weeks - at that point they all look pretty similar. The three pictured are all light colored with wattles and large combs - the females would be darker, smaller wattles and combs.
I'd bet money they're all roos too. The one with the curved tail is just developing faster and is probably the dominant roo. They're all handsome though if that is any consolation.
oh and
Thanks, chickenma. you're right, I may wait a little longer in order to know for sure. If they are all roosters, though, I will need to get rid of them. Like I said, I may be able to keep one, but I don't think I can keep more than that.

I may try to speak with the man that sold them to me as some of you have suggested (if I can find him again, he was at a flea market). However, I would not expect him to exchange them for pullets because this kind of thing can happen when one buys chicks- I knew that when I bought them and I accepted that possibilty by purchasing them.

Oh, I'm in Georgia. I forgot to mention that. Thanks, rancher hicks.

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