Please tell me this isn't a roo . . . **UPDATE - it's a roo!**

i have buffs.. and they are by far th QUIETEST breed i have had... and sometimes roos wont actually crow for months.... and months... so i hope steller ( boy name for stella?)lol) is a quiet one like mine
I would not tell your neighbors you have a roo, just let them know you have some chickens and perhaps when they lay offer a few eggs ;D If you tell them you have one, they may be searching for all those little sounds in the night instead of ignoring them.
I am going to disagree here and say pullet. When I raised some buffs last year it was pretty obvious right from the start who was who. By the time they were the size of yours my cockerel was much bigger, his comb and wattles were huge and he already had that "cocky" look to him. I may be wrong as different lines can develop differently but I would wait a while longer before worrying. If I was buying the bird I would accept it as a pullet.

Well, Stanley sure is cute.
I have a bo that is 5 weeks old and I was told it was a pullet and her comb looks like yours. I have pics under a thread but how do I paste it into this one?
Well, Stella is definitely a roo. I caught her . .ahem, I mean him trying to crow yesterday. At first I thought she (uh - I mean he) was strangling. He seemed so proud of himself though, and it was so cute!
I'm planning on keeping him for the time being, and just wait and see what happens.
I guess I can't keep calling him "Stella" though, although it's a hard habit to break and I *swear* he knows his name - he always comes when I call!

I like the above suggestion of "Stanley" though - but that was my grandfather's name and I'm not sure he'd feel too honored having a chicken named after him!
My guess is you have a little boy! With my Buff Orp rooster it seemed he developed pretty slowly compared to other breeds of roosters.
Here is my BO pullets, they have no red at all, although the biggest one is starting to get a little pink. They have no waddles yet. They are 4 weeks in this pic.



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