please tell me your chickens names.

4 RIRs
Captain Cluck Cluck (cockrel 16wks)
Dawn all 16wks pullets

3 EE mixes
Trouble (because she is!)
Celeste (the prissy one)

1 (?) mix
Dottie(because she's poka-dotted)

10wks olds
2 Barred Plymouth rocks
Shawn (Cockrel)
Nawnie (pullet)
2 EE mixes pullets
Chicken Little (the scaredy cat er chicken of them all)
3 Silkies 9wks
Bluey Blue

17 in all!!!
I have over 80 chickens right now. Only a few are named!

Of 8 Easter Eggers, 3 are named Myah, Chicken Hawk + Legs.
Of 5 Red Sexlinks 1 is named Pink.
Of 4 Speckled Sussex, 2 are named Confetti + Floppy (I can't tell which one is Floppy on most days).
All 3 Amberlinks are named; Silk, Satin + Lace (although I honestly can't always tell them apart - they have to all 3 be standing next to each other).
All 3 Golden Sebrights are named; Party Popper (cockerel), Glitter + Sparkle.
Of 3 Tetra Tints, 2 are named Streak + Patches.
My 3 Mille Fleur Cochin Bantams are Milton, Mildred + Millie.
And my husband's lone Crele Old English Bantam pullet named Chipmunk.

Only 70 more to name!
I honestly need leg bands. It would be cool to say, "Oh, Speckled Sussex with leg band #25 is Floppy!" Soon... I hope.
we have nine mutts and their names are:
banana peel
twinkle toes

we can only tell 4 of them apart since they're all mutts... most of it's based on their behavior. Timid took 2 days to come out of the coop and 5 min's to figure out that I hadn't shut the gate all the way, and was our first escapee. She immediately went under the coop where I couldn't reach her. It was interesting to say the least... think I might have to change her name!! oh, and the kids pretty much named them all
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Fendi (turned out to be a rooster, so his name has been changed to "Mr. Fendi")
& Sister
& Rhoda (turned out to be a rooster, so his name is "Rhod")

Have fun naming!!!
Is Runt a Speckled Sussex? One of my SS quite often 'laughs', especially when she's sitting on my arm. It's the funniest thing

She is actually a Barred Rock. She isn't so tame as to sit on your arm but at every little thing that startles her, she will laugh at it. I love to hear her do it! lol
Chaos my mutt rooster or we sometimes call him Lil'De because he reminds me of my brother, Derek.
Kip and Darkie. My two oldest chickens, darkie used to be the darkest chicken I owned.
Vulture. I was carrying her around when she was just getting her feathers in and my neighbor asked why I was carrying a baby vulture around so the name kind of stuck. She is still the only one who actually likes people more than food.
Since I can't tell the other 9 sumatras apart I just call them Icky Chickys. They are kind of messy eaters.
We have :
Marly~ Barred Bantam Cochin roo
Molly ~ Mottled Bantam Cohin pullet
Polly ~ Barred Rock pullet
Lulu ~ White Silkie pullet

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Ours are:
Sylvia (SLW)
Mickey (Ameraucana)
Salt and Pepper (Barred Rocks)
Sunny (BO)
Ginger ( was supposed to be BO, but we think she is NHR)
Rally and Spice (Buckeyes, though we can't really tell Rally from Spice anymore!

All are super sweet and love attention!!

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